♠️ What am I doing Wrong? ♠️

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- What am I doing wrong?
(Song by me)

I no longer hate myself
Dress better and take care of my health
Finally am my best version
In this world with slight immersion
Everyone seems to be in love
Even the youngest ones

So then why are you still not there?
Why are you still in my dreams?
Where can I find you, just where?
Where is your light beam?

What am I doing wrong?
My desire is so strong
Why can I not share my life with someone?
Is this truly set in stone?
I know I should avoid self pity
I am just sad, that no one loves me
And that I cannot be happy together
And I will stay alone forever

Why, oh why am I still alone
When I try to connect?
When I approach everyone?
What is your secret?
Is there a rule I do not know?
Is there something I must show?

[Written in: 22/12/2023]

🃏 Adulthood 🃏Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin