♠️ I Want to Fall in Love Again ♠️

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- I want to fall in Love again
(Song by me)

My feelings are vanishing
This loss is saddening
I wish to love someone like this again

Giggling, when talking about her
Running through a field of flowers together
Our dresses flowing in the wind
Spending time with her in my dreams
No longer living in front of a screen
My heart is covered in strings
It is now less dimmed

Blushing, when she looks at me
Reciprocation is only a distant reality
I want to fall in Love again
Even if I will never be someone's wife
I wish to have a joyful life
I wish to get shy in her presence
I wish to cherish every single event

Giggling, when talking about her
Running through a field of flowers together
Our dresses flowing in the wind
Spending time with her in my dreams
No longer living in front of a screen
My heart is covered in strings
It is now less dimmed

I want to dedicate love songs to her
My feelings, I will never declare
Immaturely happy and alone
Always busy admiring someone

Giggling, when talking about her
Running through a field of flowers together
Our dresses flowing in the wind
Spending time with her in my dreams
Forever living in front of a screen
My heart is free of strings
Its colour gets dimmed

And this feeling will pass again
My "love life" will receive no improvement

[Written in: 08/02/2024]

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