I think you might be trouble

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Chapter 2

715pm and they were walking back in the door of the same restaurant, Mae a little reluctantly as she had other plans she was wanting to do instead. But Kat did not want to be dining alone, especially if the guy she'd seen yesterday didn't turn up so she'd talked Mae into it, promising to pay for her meal too.

Kat's day had been busy but she'd found her thoughts drifting to him a few times during the day and she'd made a little extra effort with how she was dressed tonight when she got ready. It had been a while since she tried with a guy. Even the ones Mae set her up with had felt casual and she'd not really been into it even before she left home so hadn't spent very long deciding what to put on. Tonight however she'd stood in front of her wardrobe for half an hour before she'd settled on her outfit. He'd seen her in skinny jeans and a sweatshirt yesterday so really anything was an improvement but the top fitted to her curves, the neckline showing off her collarbones and she liked the way the necklace she had on sat against her skin. But all of it was a little ridiculous when they'd talked so briefly although it felt like there was a little bit of kismet about their tiny meeting. If he turned up that is.

Glancing around, she was disappointed that she couldn't see him, wondering if he'd changed his mind. But she walked with a purpose towards the area near the back that was more tucked away, rounding the corner to see him as he looked up at her with a smile. A really cute smile that showed teeth and gums that split his whole face in two. There was no-one else there with him but the table was set for two.

"Hello again," he said, standing up to bow.

"Hello, we were thinking of sitting back here but it looks like you might have someone coming to join you and we wouldn't want to interrupt a date." There were a lot of questions in her sentence and he answered them easily.

"I'm actually here by myself which is a little boring so I asked for a second place set in case I'd have company." Yoongi looked at the two of them and spoke again. "I could get a third place set if you'd both like to join me?"

Mae looked between the two of them and then reached for her phone.

"Ring, ring," she said out loud, not even pretending that it was her phone actually ringing, before she picked it up and held it to her ear. "Emergency you say? I'll be right there. And I'm out," she said to Kat as she waved goodbye, indicating for Kat to stay behind. "Have a nice night you two," she said as she dashed from the restaurant.

Yoongi looked a little confused and bewildered as this display and although Kat was feeling her cheeks rogue up a little, she was pleased Mae had taken matters into her own hands, leaving them alone together. She wanted that.

"Your friend wasn't planning on staying," he asked, pulling out the chair for her with a question in his eyes and she thanked him as she took a seat, weirded out by how easily they'd decided to eat together, even if the hints had been in their very brief conversation the night before.

"Oh she was if she was needed which apparently she wasn't," Kat answered.

"I'm more than happy to have you keeping me company during the meal. I was hoping to bump into you again."

"Let's say it like it is. We came back here to see each other," Kat said, deciding to be open. She had instantly found him attractive yesterday and he had obviously turned up hoping to see her again too. There was no point pretending.

Yoongi laughed. "Yes, that's true, I'm glad we're not playing games. I'm Min Yoongi, nice to meet you," he said, reaching to take her hand lightly in his across the table. She didn't seem to react to his name and he relaxed his shoulders a little. No doubt they'd get to what he did for a living but maybe she didn't know who he was after all, at least it hadn't triggered in her mind yet.

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