I want to stay like this with you

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Chapter 16

Kat replayed the phone call many times over in her head in between phone calls while she was at work. The reduced hours over Summer had given her lots of flexibility to spend time around Yoongi's crazy schedule but now that the girls were back, she had picked up more hours and was keeping herself busy that way too, finding herself smiling randomly about inappropriate things, glad her colleagues couldn't see inside her mind.

Articles abounded of BTS in Japan to distract her in other ways too. They hadn't gone in secret and there were constant sightings as they moved around to film or when they were leaving after interviews, always waving at the camera. Kat scoured the internet for them, looking for his image, laughing to herself at the way he walked quickly from the door to a waiting car with a determined look on hi face. Yoongi didn't mention that part of his job much, talking instead about the songs he'd been working on alone in his hotel room. Like he was talking about them now.

"I could write a song about your breasts." The words came out of the blue after a conversation about a song the rap line were working on together, surprising Kat and she looked through the screen at where Yoongi was staring at her, a grin on his face.

"Well, ah, thank you," she laughed, a little confused as to where that had come from.

"No, I mean it would be easy. And your eyes, they're not green, they're kind of like dirt. No not dirt, that's not what I meant at all," he said quickly, noticing the frown lines forming on Kat's forehead. "Like outside, green, it's something beginning with s? Sage, oh like sage!"

"It depends on what I'm wearing," she answered, taking in his lit up eyes and the look on his face. His words were loose and she knew he'd definitely had more to drink than she realised.

"It depends on how I'm looking at them. But I could write a fricken song about them tonight. They're magnificent. Do you know what I'm jealous of? That you can touch them anytime you want." His face was very earnest, trying to impart how serious he was but his slightly slurred words, louder than normal, just made him look cute.

"I'm guessing we're back to my breasts and not my eyes? You're drunk Yoongi," she laughed, watching as he ran his hands through his hair as he grinned at her. This Yoongi looked so relaxed, like he didn't carry the weight of the Korean music industry on his shoulders.

"I might have had more than one bottle of soju with Jiminie and Hoba earlier," he replied, grinning a huge gummy smile.

"I can tell oppa," she replied and he gasped.

"Oppa? I like that, it's the first time you've called me that," he said, smile getting even bigger. He even scrunched his nose and looked so adorable she wanted to lean into the screen and kiss his cute little expression.

"Well oppaaaaaaaa," she said, stringing out the name again, "I think you need to sleep."

"With you, yes, soon, when I'm home."

"Looking forward to that," Kat laughed, "but now, sleep off your drinking so you can work tomorrow."

"I'm not drunk, just happy," he said and she giggled as he cheesed a grin at her.

"And I'm liking it babe," she said.

"I'll remember in the morning that you called me oppa," he said, yawning and pushing back his long hair.

"No you won't," she said and he pouted.

"But I want to."

"Then I'll make sure I call you that again when you're sober oppa. Now, night."


"Yes Yoongi," she laughed as he pressed his face right up to the screen, just one eye and part of his forehead visible.

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