I know it's probably not enough

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**Sorry! Busy time of year and no time to edit properly. Apologies for any glaring mistakes!**

Chapter 9

When he woke in the morning, he was startled to see Kat tucked in next to him. This wasn't part of the playbook. But then he allowed himself to remember the night before and during the night and feels the stickiness that has dried between them, both still naked. It wasn't the worst way to wake up, pressed together with all of the evidence of their epic sex still on his body although he really did need a shower. It would give him a chance to think about why it didn't bother him as much as it should that she had stayed the night and that he hadn't asked her not to.

Gingerly peeling back the covers, he disturbed her sleep and she woke up, blinking as her eyes adjusted to the morning light.

"Morning," he said gruffly, clearing his throat and running his hand through his hair.

"Mmmmm, morning," Kat replied, stretching out all feline and sexy like. Yoongi wasn't at all surprised to notice his semi, fingers coming under the sheets to play with the bare skin of her tummy. "So, are we going to talk about the fact we skipped the condom last night," she continued and his eyes grew large as he realised what they'd done in their mostly asleep state. Shit.

"You have teenagers though right," he said, brain still waking up even as he trawled through his info about unprotected sex. Stupid stupid decision.

"Yes I do," she laughed a little, wondering what that had to do with anything.

"So, you're not as likely to get pregnant when you're older because it's easier when you're younger, right? Don't look at me like that, I'm not criticising your age, I'm just pointing it out because it's relevant."

"Relevant but way off the mark with your biology information Yoongi. I'm more likely to get pregnant at my age."

He looked horrified, now definitely wide awake. "Yeah, even more likely to have twins," Kat continued, teasing although that part was true. But the look on his face began to register regret and that was something she didn't want this to turn into. "It was dumb, I'm not even sure we were awake enough to make good decisions about sex but it felt amazing. Don't worry though," she said, attempting to put his mind at ease, "Mae made sure I was on birth control when I decided I was ready to try dating again. It hadn't even crossed my mind before then."

"It has never needed to cross my mind, I don't tend to have someone in my bed that leads to sleepy sex, we have it drilled into us as Idols to always use protection."

"We'll make sure we're safe, if this continues," she added, a little unsure if cards had been laid out on the table enough to assume it would. "It has been a long time since I went without so we're safe, I'm clean."

"There's been noone else for a long time for me either and I always use condoms, sorry, that was thoughtless." His hands stroked her skin again, mindlessly almost, like he was stuck in his head. Leaning to kiss him, pursing her lips to avoid any possibilities of morning breath, it was light and quick against his lips before she pulled away again.

"It's OK, we're good," she said and he nodded as she stretched again.

"I should shower, still feeling last night on me," he teased, mood lightening. It wasn't like he had allowed himself to actually go anywhere in his head to do with a possible pregnancy scare, his mind too clouded with sleep but he was relieved that Kat had a back up too. They probably should have talked about it earlier but he had never loved handing over the NDA, discussing what he could and couldn't do with someone unless it was purely a one time thing to satisfy him in the moment and then it was clinical and all business. Not remotely romantic.

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