I'd like to see you again

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Chapter 8

And then there was silence. No messages, no reply to the one tentative message she'd sent the next morning saying she'd thought it was epic too. No 'how's your day' or 'wanna have dinner' like there had been in the lead up to that evening. And Kat has spent the time wondering if it was just a one time thing. If the lead up, all the evenings spent together where all they did was talk and sometimes kiss, whether all of that was just to get to the end result. But then she beat herself up about thinking that way because, although he said he didn't do relationships, they'd built something. Call it a friendship or whatever but she knew enough of his character to know that he wouldn't sleep with a friend and then just ditch them. So that brought her right back in a circle to wondering if she just wasn't any good in bed anymore.

Thankfully Kat had work to keep her busy and the girls called her quite a few times over those days from where they were currently exploring parts of Germany while their Father worked remotely. The excitement on their faces at exploring a different culture was enough to banish the doubts for a few moments. By day three, she'd decided that she was worth too much to mope over a guy who didn't return her message and was resigning herself to the fact it was just a few great weeks that were never meant to go anywhere, even if it left a hollow feeling to be thinking that way.

Yoongi meanwhile had barely left his studio, sleeping there and forgetting to eat until his stomach reminded him it had almost been a day. He had a huge deadline and was so focused on getting the last tracks completed that he let everything else fall out of his head. He'd seen her text, grinning that she thought it was epic too, going to reply from where he lay in his bed the next morning but his phone had gone off and his manager had rung with an update of some of the things that would be happening the next few weeks before they left to travel and he'd completely forgotten to finish what he was typing and then it all just blurred with the crazy.

It had come into his head a few more times, wondering what she was up to but each time he had gotten distracted, sidetracked and the truth was, he wasn't constantly horny like he had been. Now that they'd had sex, the first time he had in ages, it had satiated him although he definitely wanted more and was waiting for the deadline to pass so his time was his own again. The few times he'd closed his eyes and thought of her before he drifted off to sleep, he was too tired to use the mental images of them together to get himself off. Getting laid had taken the edge off the desperation he had been feeling and he knew it had been because it was specifically with Kat since everything felt like it had been building for so long before that and usually, he couldn't be bothered making the effort with someone like that.

But now he was back home for the first time in almost 48 hours, jumping under the shower to rinse off how he was feeling, pleased the album he was helping with sounded so great and that his part was done for now. And as he fell into bed and picked up his phone to scroll youTube, he realised that he still hadn't sent the reply he had been meaning to send to her, frowning a little to notice it had been three days. Clicking send on the message he had sitting there from days ago, he followed it up with another.

MYG - Epic was actually an understatement and I want to see you again, feel you again soon

MYG - Sorry, I've been working without a break and didn't realise I hadn't sent the message above. I know it's been a few days, the sentiment still stands. Let me know if you want to hang out

The texts came through as she was going through her night routine, splashing water on her face and hearing the ping of messages. She dried her hands, falling onto the bed as she reached for the phone, face draining a little at the two messages from Yoongi. Kat had come to some kind of reluctant peace about the fact they weren't going to be in touch anymore so it gave her a shock to read his name, unlocking her phone to read the messages as her breathing increased a little.

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