Being brave

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Chapter 15

When he'd dropped her home and driven away, Kat walked into the bedroom, dropping her bags on the floor. She'd unpack later but for now she wanted a cup of tea to distract her from the fact Yoongi was going back to his apartment to gather his bags and head to the airport. It would be a long four weeks and she wasn't sure how she was feeling about him being away for that long. She knew it would likely speed by, the time her girls had been away had definitely gone quickly but it almost felt like a test of what they had going on between them and it made her feel nervous.

The time away had been almost perfect, just the two of them, private. And they'd talked more about what they were than ever before. Not that anything was clear completely and she was kind of hoping this time apart would be the reason to show that what they had was worth pursuing or not. She hoped he'd miss her, knew he'd likely be too busy for that to be the case and that it would be herself, back here, working sometimes and trying to fill the days with things to distract herself that would be missing him. And thinking. Thinking about him, the two of them together, her girls, what all of this could be.

Boiling the jug, she leaned back on the kitchen counter and took a deep breath. 4 weeks felt like a really long time and Yoongi was thinking the same thing, currently heading to the airport, his mind ticking over as he contemplated the last few months and especially the last few days.

However the flight was well underway when the first questions started, some members sleeping while they could but with such a short flight and going into the same timezone, they didn't really need to so most didn't, choosing to catch up on learning lines and English lessons instead.

"Why does Yoongi hyung look like that," Tae whispered in a theatrically loud voice to Jin while he rested his feet on him across the private jet.

"Get off you lump," Jin said, pushing at his feet as Tae grinned at him, doubling down his efforts to keep his feet firmly in place. "And I'm guessing it's because of his hook up."

"Stop calling her that," Yoongi said but there was no bite in his voice from where he sat, flipping through the pages of a book he'd bought for the short trip. He had no intention of sleeping, wanting to get a quick bit of work done or start the book he'd been meaning to start but hadn't had the time to. His free time had been taken up with Kat, a thought that made the corner of his lips curl up slightly as he remembered just how enjoyable that always was.

"Oooooh, that's an unusual look on his face, you're right," Jungkook said from his place next to Tae, confused that the normally fairly expressionate Yoongi was lost in his own world. Lost but not unaware that his members were teasing him. He was just choosing to ignore them.

"What look," Jimin said from his place further up the plane, coming to perch on the armrest next to his hyung. "Oh that is a cute look, he's almost smiling," Jimin said, reaching to press a finger into a space where a dimple was threatening to appear.

"Quit it Jiminah," Yoongi answered, batting Jimin's hand away.

"Noooooooo, only if you spill," he replied and Yoongi shook his head.

"Nothing much to talk about," he answered and all the members cracked up laughing.

"It's definitely Kat," Hobi said, yawning widely and grinning at his hyung as Yoongi shot him a glare.

"Oh, she's still in the picture," Namjoon said in surprise.

"Just because you've been locked in your studio writing songs doesn't mean everyone has been," Jin answered and Namjoon frowned.

"But usually Yoongi hyung is busy writing too," he replied and Jin nodded.

"Yes, usually," and he placed a lot of weight on the word.

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