I do want to do things to you

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Chapter 4

Kat thinks a lot over the next few days because she could see it in his eyes that he wanted her. And in a hugely visceral, can't stop thinking about him way, she wanted him too, knowing if she'd given the right signals that night, she'd likely be stretched and satisfied right now. But what does she want out of a relationship because she's pretty sure they may have attraction and banter and great conversation about life but that they want very different things when it comes to moving forward. Or she's assuming they do. And she doesn't know if he's busy or thinking or not as into her as she thought because it takes a while for him to reply.

Meanwhile, Yoongi's thinking a lot too. About how he could've taken her in the hallway before she left, her eyes darkened and inviting him to try. But he could also read more into it and he thinks she might want more out of this thing than he could give. She's looking for a relationship maybe and he doesn't do those. And he gets it, she has a family and needs stability whereas he's probably the least stable person he knows. But it's curious because by now Yoongi would normally have had her; in his bed, on his couch, not in the bathrooms of the restaurant as that wasn't his scene. But it almost feels better this way than it being too easy. He doesn't think she's deliberately playing hard to get but he's enjoying the slight chase. And there are no messages for a few days other than when she got home that night and messaged to thank him for the evening. It was light, no mention of the kisses at the door but he'd gone to bed that night and thought about those in great detail, remembering the feeling of her body connected briefly with his. In fact, when the messages came through, his hand was stroking his length as he thought about them. But he'd just continued until he groaned out his finish and replied that he meant when he'd said he'd like to do this again and he'd be in touch.

However, now he was in his head a little, second guessing if it was a good idea. Was there any point if they wanted different things to even begin something if it was destined to fail. And that's where the fatalistic side of him came out. His members had said before that he didn't have to look at things glass half empty and he didn't. At least not all the time. So, maybe he needed more information before he jumped to all the conclusions he was thinking about. And truthfully, he wanted to see her again, talk to her, not just touch her. And that was different because he got bored pretty easily. So he picked up his phone and quickly typed out a text.

When the messages came through, Kat doesn't hesitate to reply, even though it took almost three days for the message to appear on her phone one morning. She knew she was aching to see him again.

MYG – Short notice sorry, my life can be a little like that but are you free tonight?

Kitty Kat – What were you thinking?

MYG – I was thinking I'd like to see you again

Kitty Kat – I was meaning time and place but that's really good to know

MYG – My place is easy, secure and I'm a little tired after lots of late night recordings. Dinner again? 630pm?

Kitty Kat – We can leave it if you're tired?

MYG – I don't want to leave it, I think your company this evening is exactly what my week needs

She smiled. He was sweet even if there was often sass behind what he said. And if they were just going to have dinner and hang out again, that sounded like a relaxing evening. All the worries, thoughts, confusion may be cleared up by more time together. Or maybe they wouldn't but she was willing to give it a go and see.

Kitty Kat – Then I'll be there. This time, let me bring dessert

Yoongi paused at this. He wasn't big into sweets, years of discipline for his body in this job meant keeping those away 98% of the time but he'd be up for any kind of dessert that was on offer that evening, edible or not. And then he grinned, if she was the dessert she could definitely still be edible and he would get to show her all the uses of his tongue. He felt his cock hardening again and rolled his eyes at himself. Honestly, this was getting a little ridiculous. The amount of time his hand had been used the last week was more than in a really long time but it brought a little relief. He couldn't allow himself to indulge in thoughts that actually being inside her would feel ten times better. He had people arriving to the studio in ten minutes and that wasn't the impression he wanted to greet them with.

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