Hopefully you're free

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Chapter 12

His head was pounding, lack of sleep, lack of food. Yoongi felt like he'd been surviving on drink for too many days now but he had to get this song done before they travelled and the deadline had now swung round until today. He knew he could probably stretch out when the song was due, having a lot more allowances made for him now that they were so well known but the deadline was his. He wanted it out the way well before they left to travel leaving nothing to disturb the small amount of time off they'd been granted. He hadn't mentioned it to Kat yet but he had plans and he hoped she could be part of them.

Clicking a few buttons, he played what he had just recorded back again, a frustrated growl as he heard a knock on his door. Choosing to ignore it, he finally got up and stalked over to open it when he heard the tapping again, a little louder this time.

"You know I asked not to be disturbed, oh, babe, hey," he said, grabbing her hand and dragging her into the studio before anyone saw, shutting the door behind them and flicking the lock. Others must know she was there, his manager would've needed to action letting her up to this floor but he didn't want the members to see her. He was too busy today to introduce her properly and field all their questions.

"For you," she said a little breathlessly from being dragged so unceremoniously into the room. Yoongi could smell the aromas coming from the dish in her hand, his stomach grumbling as he took it from her and placed it onto the desk next to him. It smelled amazing.

"Thank you. Did you come all this way just to bring me food," he asked, pointing to his lips as she leaned in to give him a kiss. He caught her onto his lap as she went to pull away and she sat down with a laugh.

"It isn't that far Yoongi-ssi," Kat replied, settling against him for a moment. She knew she couldn't stay long, he had a deadline and was stressed and she had some work she needed to do too.

"Can you wait for me in my bed tonight Kat, I think I'm going to need your body." He was half whispering, half breathing into her neck and she felt warm all over at the thought she was the person he wanted to give him some relief from his worries.

She nodded her answer. "Are you needing some stress release," she asked, taking his nape in her hand and pulling him in for another kiss.

"Stress release yes, always but I need to be inside you. It's been too long," he answered, when they pulled away, the heated kisses, wetting both their lips and she licked at the moisture.

"Yeah a few days at least," she laughed. "Do you have to have this finished today?" He nodded.

"Could be a late night sorry. It's OK if you don't want to wait for me," his eyes met hers and she knew he would understand but that he needed it. She could read it in the tension across his body, in the heaviness of his eyes from tiredness and stress.

"Of course I'll wait for you. I might fall asleep but just wake me up, anyway you want to," she said with a wink, wondering if he'd settle for calling her name or peel her underwear away, waking to his lips on her clit. That would be a very nice way to surface from sleep. Thinking about it heated her up, more than a little.

"OK, I will," he replied, reading the look in her eyes, smirking a little before sighing as he flicked his eyes to the computer in front of him. She knew he was needing to get back to work.

"Do you have 10 minutes to eat it now," she asked, pointing at the food.

"Probably only five minutes," he answered, looking at the time. "But I can eat it at my desk while I work. Sorry, I can't spend any time with you today, you came a long way for nothing."

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