You're clearly frustrated

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Chapter 5

"Sorry, I don't think I can give you what you need," Kat said, sinking onto the couch and watching Yoongi's face through the screen. It was blank of expression and she couldn't read anything that was going on in his eyes.

"Oh, I think you can and should give me exactly what I need," Yoongi answered, thinking about how good he thought it could be to finally sleep with her.

"I mean the kind of relationship you're looking for. Or lack of one. You don't want the kind of commitment I need."

Yoongi sighed, laying back against his headboard with one arm tucked behind his head. It was true, he didn't want a commitment, of any kind. That was way too full on for where he was at in his life and something he'd never done before.

"It's OK though Yoongi, really. You are young."

"Stop throwing my age in my face. People my age are married with children so it's not about that." He sounded a little gruff but wasn't raising his voice and she was grateful for that.

"That's not what I'm trying to do, I'm sorry. I guess I'm just giving you reasons."

"I know, it's OK. To be honest," and he ran his hand through his long hair as he thought about what exactly he wanted to say, opting for the truth, " I'm a little scared of the idea of a relationship. I've had hook ups over the years and those were complicated enough with my life. An actual relationship, I don't even know where to begin."

"Well," Kat said softly, "they usually just happen naturally, when two people like each other and it just grows from there. It doesn't have to be something forced."

"Well, I do like you, I think you can definitely tell that when we're together."

Kat blushed and nodded, thinking of all the moments when she wanted to get even closer to him but held herself back. "Yeah, I like you too." It was an easy enough confession to make but it didn't mean anything when it likely couldn't turn into more. "But, if it's not going to go anywhere, do we leave it as just friends?"

"God, I don't even know how to go about this, I feel so stupid," he replied, letting out a deep breath. "Does it have to be defined?"

"I think you just need to know I don't want a casual hook up so we need to say it's done if that's all you want," she replied, lips turning down as she thought about saying goodbye.

"Honestly? It's not," and her heart soared a little at his words. "But I can't commit to anything long term because I don't even know what I'm doing next month let alone in a years time."

"We don't know each other well enough to even talk that far ahead yet Yoongi but I don't want to enter into anything that's stopping after just one night. I've had my heart broken and I won't give it away easily anymore."

"I've had my heart broken too, years ago now and maybe that's part of it all. But I don't want to hurt you by leading you along that this could be anything more than what it is."

There was a pause, both of them deep in thought at his words, the ball mostly in his court which was a little scary for the both of them in different ways. He didn't want to put a label on it and she didn't want to hand over control. Eventually Yoongi spoke again. "So maybe, can I take you on a date? Take the relationship part of it out of the equation for now and just get to know each other by dating?"

"I think getting to know each other more is a good start," she smiled at him, relaxing a little and excitement bubbling inside at the thought of dating him. "Just so you know, I'm not dating anyone else right now."

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