I think we have unfinished business

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Chapter 7

Yoongi had only been joking a little when he'd said he could go again after a nap. The kisses after their epic sex had meant things stirred again far quicker than he was expecting and his hands caressing her skin meant that Kat was ready for more too.

"You know Kitty Kat, I want to explore everything about what gives you pleasure and what is the best when we're together." He surprised himself when he said that, having only viewed sex recently as a possible one time or casual hook up thing but he already knew he wanted to spend more than one night with Kat. His hands were stroking her thigh in the post orgasm haze that was still overtaking their bodies. It had only been once but he knew it wouldn't stop there tonight, wanting to tell her all the things he could do to make her twitch and spiral.

"God, your voice when you say that," she replied, kissing the first thing she could reach, his chest where she was curled against it.

"You like my low voice sweetheart," he answered and there was another wave of arousal from her heat. Good grief, she had never been this turned on by someone talking before.

"Mmmmmhmmmm. Your voice, your mouth, your tongue, your lips, basically everything about that part of your body."

"Well, you Googled tongue technology and you know what I can do with my tongue when I rap. It can move at the right speed against your body too," he said into her hair as he massaged the nape of her neck. There was no rush this time, they could work their way back to that place while they bantered. That felt good and he was enjoying this, his body reacting to hers but her being attached to him already like some kind of limpet. There was a misconception that Yoongi didn't like physical contact, something he hammed up on screen to keep people away from him. But if he was really close to someone, like his members, he actually kind of liked it and he actually more than liked it with Kat.

Kat didn't really know what to do with herself. She was instantly wet again at his words and touch, surprising herself as it had never been this way with her husband, ever. Even in their horny early years. That Yoongi could bring her to that place with just a few, well said phrases and caresses was blowing her mind.

"After that session, I think I will find I'm very happy with whatever you do to me," she answered, voice sounding shaky, hoping he'd put it down to what they'd just done and not what she was thinking about them doing. Not that it really mattered she supposed. Clearly they were compatible in the bedroom, or on the sofa, that much was very clear.

"Just happy? I'm feeling ecstatic right now," he said, grinning at her as she lifted her head to meet his eyes, smiling back and pressing a kiss to his lips. "Do you want some water?"

"Yes please," she answered, sitting up a little so he could manoeuvre off the couch and into the kitchen, finding and pulling his boxers back on as he did. She watched as he walked away, reaching for a couch throw to cover herself briefly while she decided what to do. Should she start getting dressed? But it was her house so should she get into her Pjs? Would he head home now? This part of a new relationship was always hard, knowing what the other persons expectations were. And then she almost slapped herself for calling it a relationship in her head. Reaching for her top and underwear she was slipping them on when he came back with their drinks.

"What are you doing," he asked, eyebrows meeting in the middle of his nose in a small frown.

"Ah, I was getting cold," she bluffed, cheeks turning a little red.

"If you think we're done, you're mistaken love," Yoongi replied and she bit her lip at the look on his face.

"Well, I wasn't sure," she started to say trailing off at the end as he sat on the couch next to her, pulling her legs onto his lap.

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