I want to hear you

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Chapter 6

Things felt a little differently when Yoongi came to her place tonight instead of them going to his. He hadn't been before and Kat ran around tidying knowing her place was nothing fancy unlike his. But it was her domain and she was kind of excited to show him around her own small space.

"Hey," he said when she opened the door, kicking his shoes off. "Finally I get to see where you live."

"It's not like I've been hiding it from you, it's just been easier to go to yours right?"

"I'm teasing," Yoongi said, pulling her in for a quick kiss. It still felt sweet sometimes when he did that out of the blue. They hadn't fallen into an easy pattern of that kind of intimacy yet and it gave her little flutters when he instigated anything. "So, show me around."

"It's not like yours," she said as he reached for her hand and she tugged him towards the nearest room. "Lounge, kitchen," she said, indicating the right off the hallway. "Then that's the girls bedroom and the bathroom on the left. The room at the top of the hallway is my bedroom," she said with a little tilt of her head.

"What, you're not going to show me that one," he asked with a grin.

"Not yet Yoongi-ssi," she answered and his inside turned over a little at the thought of the 'yet' in that sentence. He was absolutely champing at the bit now, the gentleman in him never overstepping the mark when things were slowed down by her but finding himself heading home frustrated after each date. And his wrist was starting to hurt.

"I'll take that yet," he replied, walking into her lounge and gazing around.

There were photos scattered on the ledge near the TV and he went over, lifting the nearest one.

"Oh, that's the girls when we took them to Tokyo Disneyland," Kat said, coming up next to him. "That was a few years ago though, this one is more recent," she said, picking up another one and holding it out for him to look at.

"They're both very pretty, like their mother," Yoongi said, trying to absorb the fact she had grown up kids, even though she'd told him. Seeing them in front of him was different though. "This one, she's the 18 year old?"

"Yeah, that's Jess, she's almost 19 and that's Ellie. She's 17 after Christmas, in her last year of high school. Jess is very musical and dances so she's studying music at university."

Yoongi was deep in thought but turned to smile at Kat as he rested the photo frame back in it's spot.

"Why are you grinning," Kat asked. It felt good to have Yoongi here finally but it was a little unnerving to be sharing her family with him.

"Jess is exactly our maknae's type," he said and she frowned.

"We'll keep him away from her then," she said. She'd spent quite a bit of time so far checking out all the members and although Jungkook seemed like a nice guy, he was quite a few years older than Jess and the thought of all that made her feel uncomfortable. Ironic really given the fact her and Yoongi's age gap was much, much bigger.

"He's actually in a relationship at the moment so you're safe," Yoongi smiled.

"Oh, a few of them are in relationships then," she asked as she pulled him over to the couch, flopping down as they rested their feet up on the coffee table. She was glad he seemed to be instantly at home there, stretching and then turning a little towards her.

"Yes, a couple have been for a while," Yoongi replied cagily and she didn't press for details but she did have a few more questions.

"So, it can work while you're in the job that you're in."

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