Only us right now

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They'd argued about which car to take, one of his, have staff drive them or take hers. Kat didn't want staff to be involved in any part of their time away and in the end, the logic of people looking at her car and assuming a Kpop idol was definitely not inside won out. It wasn't fancy enough and so cameras would never think to look closer at it. And so he'd been dropped to her place after they'd finished work for the day, bag in hand and ready to go.

He laughed at her teeny tiny car boot but put the seat back once he jammed their bags inside, stretched out his legs, slung his arm over her seat and enjoyed the ride. It was nice to let someone else be in control and to rest a little more. It had been a long few weeks.
"I looked up the hotel, didn't know we had our own private pool and hot tub," Kat said, pulling away from her place and setting out towards their destination.
"Yeah, I booked it myself, thought it was close enough to Seoul that we didn't have to be in the car for too long. Not that I'm complaining," he hastily added when she turned to glare at him. "I just mean in general. Driving isn't how I want to be spending my time away with you." His fingers beat time behind her head, enjoying the playlist they had on.
"Well, I've packed my swimwear and I'm excited to do some other things in the area."
"Oh, we're leaving the hotel room," he asked, half joking but half not. He needed rest.
"Not if you don't want to. I've never been to Sokcho before but it's so close to Seoul that I can always come back if we don't."
"You're not wanting to hike or anything though are you? I definitely would rather be in bed than up a mountain."
"I have no plans Yoongi, I know we don't have long together, I just want to enjoy it however you want."
"Horizontal," he replied with his eyes closed and she glanced away briefly from the highway, watching a smirk appear on his lips.
"I'm sure that will happen at some stage," she replied, looking back.
"I'm sure that will happen most of the time."
"Are we just going to have sex the whole time Yoongi," she asked, thinking it wasn't the worst way to pass the time but they could've done that in their own beds.
"Not the whollllleee time," he replied, dragging out the word. "But I do need to stock up for when we're away, something to play over in my mind."

She blushed a little at the thought of him lying on a bed, in another country, thinking about her while he was touching himself. Which led her to thoughts of phone sex, something she'd never done, wondering if she was brave enough to try with him."If that was your way of asking to film us so you have something to play back and jack off to, you're out of luck."
Yoongi spluttered a little on his laughter. "Wasn't on my radar but now it is. Wow, the thought of it! Although, even if you did agree, I couldn't have that on my phone. It would be a risk if anyone found it and I'd be checking it way too often to get any work done."

He was mainly teasing. When he was needed for work, he gave more than 100%. But in his down time, back at the hotel room, some footage of her would be a very relaxing way to pass the time. "I don't know how I'm going to go four weeks without touching your body."
"Oh, you mean like this," she asked, taking one hand of the wheel and very chastely resting it on his knee.
"Yeah, not like that at all although I'll take any touch. But if you were to move it up just a little....," he said and so she did, sliding it up as he inhaled, up and away back onto the steering wheel. He sighed and she grinned.
"I take road safety very seriously Yoongi-ssi," she said with a wink.
"Not the other day when you had your hands inside my pants you didn't," he said and she shook her head.
"Don't say you didn't enjoy that. And my eyes were on the road the whole time, we were perfectly safe."
"I absolutely fuckin' loved it and you were a menace."
"I won't do it again then," Kat said, taking the turn off that headed towards Sokcho, Yoongi shaking his head.
"Well now, don't be too hasty, I didn't say I didn't want a repeat, just that you're not as into road safety as you say."
"I will be sure to stay with my eyes fixed on the road when I'm in the car then," she answered and he licked his lip a little before answering.

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