The Goddess Grove

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AN: Arthor notes









Diffident meaning

Ulysses POV, the bushes

Ow..., Okay Ulysses, you just jumped out of a train moving very fact, you don't know where Luke, and Thalia, but that is fine, they will be very much alive when we you know you fine them, that dream, was a dream and it was not real, you didn't... ow.

I slammed into a tree trunk. I got up and dusted myself off. Time to check my stuff. First, my crate. Let's see, Duster, is good. Now, I also have my Tommy gun, still need to get the weapon to add to it so it can do some real damage in the modern world. Next up is the FN FAL, meant to get me something with range besides slugs. 

Okay, food, clothing, magazines, slugs, shells, grenades, map, dragon scales, teeth, and the gryphon egg. Everything is in order, now it is time to be able to find all the demigods that jumped with me out of a tree.

First got to find Thalia, let's this is not my dream. As I walked through the forest. I somehow ended back up in the throne room. 12 thrones with 12 gods, they seemed to be in an argument.

"You, cannot kill her!" A voice boomed like Thunder.

"Zeus, you have broken our oath." Another voice cried out.

"Poseidon, is right." Said a voice with bitterness. "Plus let's not make this a Heracles situation."

"That was one-time women. You never let things go, and I can name the number of times you-"

"That is not the same, as sleeping with another women."

"Bah... let us open this to the rest of us here. Ares, what say you."

A voice spoke, strong, but not in a presence that I felt looking at him. "Look as much as I would love to take your side dad and I would" He coughed as the stare intensified "I have to agree with mom."

"So, you take my brother side Ares, fine, Artims, Apollo, Hermes. What say you three."

The three gods, all looked at each other, but the one that looked like the UPS driver took center. "I think we three agree on the same thing." He spoke up. "I, Hermes. Me, and my siblings, we agree with you father. The girl should live." 

The women who were spear heading looked at the three angrily "Of course you three would... especially with you spawn there."

It went down the line. First a beat-up looking man, he simply said didn't cast a vote, saying end the world, don't, end this family, or don't. 

The next was a woman with grey eyes she simply states, we mustn't keep trying to avoid it, each time, we are just making it worse.  

Next was a woman, who to be honest looked quite bland. She said, how could we kill her, it's a young love story, then she said if only that kid wasn't their...

Next was a man that looked like an angry Santa clause, saying, something about him not wanting to deal with hero.

The god, Zeus, he just smiled, he has just one a vote, that would save someone, which is, why, he is Zeus, I get "her", because it is Zeus.

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