LMF, the company... right?

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AN: Arthor notes









Diffident meaning

Luke POV

It was odd, okay let me rephrase that, this was odder. Okay, so... for about, let's see, NY, NJ, LA, TX, so in the past four days, we have been doing another cross country, stole a car, fighting monsters, and talking to gods, and making a pact with them, probably going to do other stuff, to steal a golden apple that has been stole before, by what most people consider as the greatest Greek hero to live (but by Halo, wimpiest of hero).

But somehow, by the gods, sitting in a moving truck, as a demigod of the literal god of thieves, with a 11-year-old, who has an armory, and that could probably fight a small nation (because he made the god of war his pinata, good on him), and a man, who just moments before was a chicken, because he was cursed, fuck, that is something that I have just put into the universe for many to see. But it is true.

So, we mainly slept, well, I thought we all slept, but when I awoke, Halo, was wide awake, he started a fire, a controlled, fire with the matches, Apollo gave us, wonder if they do something crazy, like if Halo makes a line of fire, no enemy can cross the boundary. Probably just regular matches. 

We got up, and we ate basically, anything we had left over from the previous stop in new jersey at the gas station, so like a little can of pringles, some snickers, a pair of unopen warm water bottles (+ Halo's personal canteen), and some crushed squares, which was once ambrosia, which we have run through because of the attack of those snakes, and the murder forest.

We were waiting for the truck to stop, and mainly trying to figure out the plan, on how to deal with the guy who will probably open the door, Halo's idea was to just jump him, but as much as I want to say no, it was so far the best idea to get out of the probable mess we will end up in once we get out of the. Don't look at us like that, me and Halo had Annabeth, and Alect just returned to being a man, and we are currently, operating on who know fully, but planning isn't planning (see!).

I was getting ready to shift the conversation from how to we deal with getting caught, to how do we decided to jump a mortal and what to do with the body (Halo's words, not mine). Then I got an idea. "Guys, I got an idea." 

"That hurt?" Halo looked at me, and it felt like the air compress around me, and just gave me a mean slap, because the side of my head stung, and my eyes were looking at the grown. 

"Luke, what is it?" Alect asked me.

"Well, why don't we just jump out of the truck before it stops."

"That's your bright idea?"

I looked at Halo. "Do you have anything better Ulysses"

He glared daggers at me. "Of course." He reached into one of his pockets, and took out, this snow globe looking thing. "Everyone welcomes the Lygrosphere, a thing that know all, sees all, and speaks once."

"Why are you speaking, like an oracle of Apollo, Halo?" Alect asked.

"Well, because that is what this thing is, a pocket oracle."

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