We almost died... by a Rabbit

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AN: Arthor notes









Diffident meaning

Happy Easter, and I finally did it, made a holiday chapter 

Halo Narrating, 

Were to begin, yes, we almost died by a rabbit, but this thing, was born from the Greek equivalent of Satan, and also, said thing may fear what it had created. But let me explain, Okay... 

Flashback Halo POV, near Baltimore Maryland (NOTE, this mean Halo narrating)

We were driving from after the fight in Philly, we camped for a day making this, I think, the tenth of June, we are doing good, we had just slayed the Hydra.


Silence, she (can't truly tell the gender, but I think it is a girl). The Hydra is annoying, because its main head can't be killed so I am just keeping it. I also gave it a lobotomy, to get it from trying to bite our faces off. Now it is docile and trying to eat my hair. I feed it a saltine cracker. So, it was eating with one eye in tack, used one of the screwdrivers to give the already mention lobotomy.

We continued to drive onwards up the west coast. Then, who knows we could fly to another country, we could just keep enjoying life. But then I wouldn't be hanging out with demigods. We were on the road, Thalia was driving right now, Annabeth got her turn and got banned from driving, long story, short, we ended up in a ditch. It was getting closer to noon, and we decided to enter this town for a bite, we had Philly cheesesteak, which was good, and now we were going to try some of this Atlantic blue crab, we just killed the crab monster, so we should not get attack. (WRONG past me, just WRONG!!!)

We entered in the city and parked in a parking garage. And we walked into the streets, it was raining so I gave Annie my hat, since I have a hood. The others got wet as we entered the area, seeing a bunch of dents in cars, a lamppost bent over, a mailbox with a hole in it.

"Halo, you smell it."

All I smelt is that Zeus had a tantrum.  It was simply the fact that the place smelt like lightning, and Zeus is lightning god... so. 

"Yeah, but come on, there has to be more to this than just that. You know it."

We walked into the whole area of the restaurant (named Don's Dinner); the place didn't look any better.  A bunch of booths had claw marks. The counter had burned all over, a bunch of light were smashed out. Some of the dishes were smashed all over the floor.

We walked in and saw the chef cleaning up the mess, he looked up at us and sighed. "Sorry kids, we're closed right now."

"What happened?" Annie asked.

The man sighed again. "Well, we thought it was robbers, but then I saw that the money was still here... so probably some dumb kids who..." He looked at Thalia "...who decided to trash the shop."

Thalia got the message "We just got here, we just wanted to eat some of the world's best crab, but fine."

"Sorry, I shouldn't have judge on look, I just mad, but even if this place wasn't trashed, most of my crabs were eaten, they ate the crabs war..." Thalia just looked at him. "I am truly sorry, but how about this, I tell you a place that hasn't been destroyed so you can taste... what was it "world's best crab", if you want that, go to captain Cullen, see him fish each day, its where I get the crabs."

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