All's fair

265 4 15


AN: Arthor notes









Diffident meaning

Luke POV

I got up. Well, I really couldn't really sleep. I slept off and on, I wasn't sharing a room with Halo, Deliah said to give him space. But then Al manifested at 3:00 am, which was horrifying to see a ghost dragged him, which he looked like he got up and took a late-night swim. 

I asked him, and he told me. "Divine retribution..." He took a breath (can a ghost breath) "What happen, he woke up and jumped out a window and almost drowned." 

That didn't sound good, but right now we were having breakfast, it was awkward, you could cut the tension with a knife, and Halo had plenty. Alect was enjoy a bowl of frosted flakes, while we had eggs and sausage. 

I looked over at Halo... he looked tired, like he didn't sleep. He didn't make any eye contact, he just ate in utter silence, it was weird. Like, a couple days ago, we were laughing at camp, playing a snowball war, committing grand theft auto. I just had to ruin it all.

"Do not worry Luke."  The voice said. "In time he will forgive you."

"No, Halo doesn't forgive easily, he has held a grudge with a satyr for years now."

"Do not worry." It just chuckled.

We finished breakfast. We packed everything up, and it took about an hour, or two making 9:32, because Deliah wanted us to shower again, and made us lunch. We gave her a goodbye.

We continued to walk to a bus station, Halo hid Alect in his crate. It was very awkward with us, because we got on the bus, and we were getting ready to leave, barely anyone was on the bus, he sat far away from me. 

It was odd, if something like this happened, I would have thought we were about to get attacked by some kind of deadly monster, but it was a nice ride.  We entered to Texas, and I don't know I felt something was odd, once we got off the greyhound. 

I looked around, I didn't see anything that proved any real danger to us. I looked around, and saw cars go by, a biker looking man, near a white van, which was odd, because he should have a bike, and not wear leather. I mean I have my hoodie wrapped around me. I looked at Halo, and he just unzipped his aviator. 

"Aren't you melting." I asked

"Are your pants on fire?" He asked.

He just walked ahead of me. I caught up, well technically me and Alect because I was carrying him along my back. It was odd, but something I noticed was that Halo, saw at many gun shops, and he seemed to be enjoying it.

Maybe I could buy him another gun. But then that would probably lead to me having to make another deal with his family. I continued to walk till I heard an audible gasp from Alect. He began to squirm, trying to get out of the bag.

 "Get me out of here!" He said, he sounded frantic. "I have to leave." Guess it was getting stuffy for him.

Halo looked backed, and shrugged, and his eyes looked at me. I took of the bag, and opened it, and let Alect out, but when I did, he began running away, I was half expecting that Halo was going to tackle him, but then I saw that Halo had just disappeared. Okay, maybe something was going down that I wasn't sensing.

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