Today we decided to burn down a forest

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AN: Arthor notes









Diffident meaning

Alectryon POV

These... boys have captured me, I being a skilled warrior am bidding my time. Waiting for the most opportune moment to break free, like how Odysseus made the Trojan horse. It was an amazing blow to take upon the Trojans. One that led to our victory, sadly I ended up as this, a pitiful creature. 

I am still a skilled warrior, one who has slain thousands of Trojans with one hand. One who fought along the likes of Achilles, Odysseus. I have faced worse than two children. I the great Alect-

I felt pressure crushing against hollow bones. I was in the grasp of something worst then ropes, a child's death grip. The black haired one... Halo. He had rested, yet he decided to clutch me like I was some sort of stuff animal. 

I tried to warm my way out, if I know my senses they are telling me that they will cook me as a meal. I cannot allow that; I refuse to allow myself to become the meal for a group of boys who aren't grown men. 

Let's us think, I could-

Ow, Halo had shifted, and his grasp grew tighter, he may give that young upstart Heracles a run for his money. After that though his grip tighter, room going black, I am starting to hallucinate because, near the boy's neck I saw something glisten, but I saw his shadow grow, eyes a glow.

I feared that I was in the grasp of a monster, but then the shadow's formed around the boy's arms and let me go free, and I took my chance, now was the time to eliminate the driver. I jumped from the back seat, but I had forgotten one thing, that the back was separated by the two front seats. 

I softly bounced off the seats, and I feel to the floor. I guess it would be harder to escape by defeating this driver. 

"Halo?" The driver spoke. "You okay... oh the chicken is awake... Alectryon right?" I didn't speak. "Come up over here, I want to talk."

He wishes to speak in interrogation, well I lesser warrior would not speak, but a greater one would face this challenge head on. "Yes..." I began to try and climb, each inch felt like a mile, but each time I would constantly slide down.

I was aided by the shadow as a tendril lifted me up and into the passenger seat. A voice spoke one I have heard a few times, one of ancient darkness "Do not put upon any harm"

I looked at the boy driving, he was about 17 winters, older than the first, which is 11 or so. It was odd, I have never been in any vehicle unless you count the chicken truck, it almost got me killed, but I was able to valiantly escape... when they were unloading the other chickens.

I sat in the seat and looked at the blonde headed boy. He drove focus on the road, he kept looking at the signs taking a guess, I say with my most skilled deduction that they are half-blood, and they were on a quest. 

"So Al-Ale." The boy asked.

"You may call me Alect if you wish."

"Well Alect, are you the one-"

"Yes, the one who fought in troy, took a near fatal sword blow meant for Achilles, struck one of the final blows to the Trojans." I spoke. I would smile if I could.

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