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Felix sits on the bench as he watches the boys practice a new dance routine. They are good. Sweating, panting, and working until they get it just right. Felix is beyond impressed. They are now on a break, and Hyunjin comes to sit beside Felix as if they are best friends; placing a leg over Felix's like it's normal. The omega soaks up the attention.

"You guys are so good," Felix claps. He watches as Chan eyes the two of them while drinking his water.

"Thanks, Felix." Hyunjin smiles, wiping sweat away. Felix tracks the motion and swallows slowly.

"You uh, look good with sweat." Felix points out and Hyunjin smirks.

"Don't need to flatter me, you can get in my pants whenever you want." Hyunjin teases and Felix finds himself laughing easily. It's so easy with Hyunjin.

"I thought I had to get to know you first?" Felix teases back.

"That was old Hyunjin," the alpha dismisses the claim. "New Hyunjin is a lot easier."

"Does new Hyunjin like that I'm wearing his clothes?" Felix bats his lashes and Hyunjin lets out a low grow.

"Tease me and I won't care if we have an audience," Hyunjin warns and Felix grows flustered. "So, Felix, do you dance?"

"Does TikTok count?" Felix asks shyly and Hyunjin laughs as he stands.

"Now, I'm curious." Hyunjin urges Felix to stand. "Show me some of your moves."

Felix huffs a laugh and starts doing some moves he's learned on TikTok. Hyunjin laughs the entire time but Felix can tell it's all in good fun.

"You're cute," Hyunjin tells him.

"Hey, don't knock my moves." Felix pouts. "My mom says that I'm..." Felix stops completely and his heart feels like it's been stabbed a thousand times. Hyunjin notices the mood change in an instant.

"I thought I told you when the pain is bad to use me," Hyunjin grabs Felix and brings the omega's nose to his neck. Felix inhales Hyunjin's scent and the alpha sends calming pheromones to wash over the omega. Felix inhales the pheromones and feels high. His brain is cloudy and his eyes can hardly focus. "That's right. Focus only on me."

Hyunjin guides them to a corner of the dance studio where their backs are against the wall. They sit on the floor, side by side, and Hyunjin looks at Felix.

"What do you want?" Hyunjin asks.

"Your fingers," Felix points. Hyunjin looks at Felix's hand and coos.

"Your hands are tiny," Hyunjin's heart hurts at how adorable Felix is. Felix pouts and even that's adorable. "What about my fingers?" Hyunjin leans over and licks at Felix's neck.

"Um, inside me," Felix suggests.

Hyunjin leans back so it looks like he's resting on the palms of his hands. He sneaks a hand inside Felix's pants and Felix raises slightly so Hyunjin can get fingers inside of him.

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