Part 2 ~ Guard

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I'm exhausted.

That was the thought that crossed Dream's mind as he trudged into his room, discarding his heavy training vest and weapons.

He was drenched in sweat, his muscles aching from the strenuous exercise.

But Dream was used to this. He had been training and learning since he could walk, and the routine was a part of his life.

However, he couldn't help but feel a pang of resentment towards the tutors pushing him to be the perfect Prince.

I just want to be a teenager like everyone else.

As if answering his thought, a soft knock interrupted his thoughts.

That better not be another lesson.. Dream thought to himself, with a scowl.

But upon opening the door, he was surprised to find George standing outside, dressed in his usual attire, holding a tray with a hot tea cup and a small plate of biscuits.

The sight made Dream's expression soften, his exhaustion melting away in an instant.

"What are you doing here, George?" Dream asked in a gentle tone. "Don't you have training to do?"

George smiled as he spoke, his voice soft yet confident.

"My training duties will only start later in the day, Prince Dream. I was sent here by your father, the King."

Dream raised an eyebrow at this revelation. His father, the King, rarely visited him in his room.

This was a rare occurrence between them.

"And what does the King want with me?" Dream queried, curious at the king's motives. It's probably another lesson.

"Your father has requested that you join him in the throne room," George informed Dream. "It seems he has a matter of great importance to discuss with you."

Dream's expression turned serious as he nodded, knowing that such a request from the King was rare and important.

However, he couldn't help but feel an uneasy feeling in his stomach. He had never been summoned by the King alone before.

Was this related to his training? Or something else entirely..

Without further thought, Dream followed George down the corridor and towards the throne room, his mind swirling with thoughts and worries.

What could the King possibly want to discuss with him? Was it pertaining to his training? Was there something wrong?

He couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding as they approached the massive double doors that led to the throne room.

I hope everything is alright...

The doors were pushed open, revealing the impressive throne room beyond, with the King sitting on the tall throne at the far end of the room.

George led Dream to the center of the room, where both of them bowed profusely to the King.

"Rise," the King intoned, his voice carrying across the room.

Dream and George got to their feet, and for a moment, Dream couldn't help but admire the way his father looked.

He seemed regal and powerful in the throne, his eyes gleaming with authority and wisdom.

"Prince Dream," the King continued. "I asked you here because I have something of great importance to discuss with you."

Dream's heart froze in his chest, nerves wracking through him.

He wasn't sure what was coming, but a sense of dread filled him as he waited for the King to speak again.

"You are aware of your duty to succeed me as King, correct?" the King asked.

Dream nodded, his breath catching in his throat as he listened intently to his father's words.

"Yes, I am aware of this duty, Father," he answered, trying to maintain composure. He did not want to disappoint his father, and being King was his ultimate dream.

"But of course, you are still young, and have yet to reach your majority," the King continued. "However, it is only a matter of time until this happens, and you must be prepared to take my place."

"And since you are reaching the age of majority soon," the King went on, "I feel it is important to discuss matters of inheritance."

Dream's heart skipped a beat; he knew that the topic of inheritance was a sensitive one, especially with many of his relatives competing for a part in the succession line.

He hoped that his father would not disappoint him by making a decision that he did not agree with.

"Of course, Father," Dream responded with a nod. "I am ready to hear your decision."

"After much consideration, I have decided to name you as the next prince on the throne," the King spoke, his voice loud and clear.

The words of the King struck the air like thunder, and Dream couldn't help but feel stunned by this revelation.

He was to be the throne's prince? What about his rivals, his siblings who had been training their whole lives for this moment? Dream wondered if this would cause a conflict.

"Father.. are you sure about this decision?" Dream asked, trying to maintain a level of respect in his voice.

The King sighed and nodded, knowing that the choice was going to have consequences on the kingdom.

"Yes, Dream," the King responded. "It is my decision that you be the next King of the kingdom, as per the law and tradition. However, there is another tradition that we shall uphold, that you must be married before taking the throne."

Dream blinked, his head spinning, trying to process the King's words.

Did this mean what he thought it meant? That he would be forced to marry someone, regardless if he loved them or not?

Dream's thoughts were filled with unease at the revelation that he would be forced into marriage.

He considered himself to be gay, but that was a secret that he had carefully kept hidden all his life.

His father did not understand or accept this part of him, and if he found out, the consequences would be dire.

I don't want to marry a woman, to have children, to pretend for the rest of my life.. Dream thought, feeling trapped by the circumstances.

He didn't want to disappoint his father, but he knew that he wasn't meant to be forced into a marriage either.

What do I do..? Dream thought, feeling his heart sink in despair. Either choice meant betraying the people he loved.

If he married a woman, he would have to hide his true nature and feelings for the rest of his life.

But if he refused the marriage, he would be putting his father's legacy and the succession of the kingdom at risk.

Is there another way? Dream pondered, but he knew deep down that this situation was out of his control.

One way or another, he had to find a solution to this dilemma. But how?

Think, Dream.. surely there's some way to make everyone happy. There must be another choice, another solution..

Suddenly, a thought popped into Dream's head, and he felt a spark of hope. There is. They just have to understand..

Dream took a deep breath and faced his father, determined to speak the truth.

"Father, I need to tell you something," he began. "I'm sorry, but I cannot marry and have children."

The moment he said those words, the atmosphere in the throne room turned tense.


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