Part 20 ~ Morning

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Dream woke up and he took a deep breath.

He didn't immediately notice George, but when he did, he felt slightly surprised.

“What’re you doing here?” Dream asked.

“Oh, uh..” George said. “Well, since you said you don’t like sleeping alone, I figured I could just.. Stay here, if you wanted.”

Dream nodded slowly, and then he sat up.

“Thanks,” He said. “I appreciate it.”

"Of course." George said, and then he smiled again.

"So.. You ready to start your day?" He asked.

"Yeah, I guess so." Dream said.

"Alright. Well, just take it easy, yeah? And be sure to eat." George said.

"I, I will. Don't worry." Dream said.

George smiled. "Alright." He said. "I'll be downstairs if you need anything."

Dream nodded. "Yeah, okay." He said.

George nodded again and he left the room.

Dream stayed in the bed for a moment, and then he also got up.

He stretched and then he went over to his wardrobe.

He picked out a comfortable outfit and then he changed into it.

Then, he walked over to the mirror, and he adjusted his hair.

"Hmm.." He said. "I guess I'll look okay for a new king."

He turned away from the mirror and he walked out the room.

He went downstairs and he headed towards the kitchen.

Dream entered the kitchen and he found George there.

"Hey, Dream!" George said. "I was already about to make you some breakfast."

"Oh, you don't have to do that. I can just make it myself." Dream said quickly.

"Nonsense, I'm sure you already have enough on your mind. Let me do it." George said.

"Yeah, alright." Dream said, and he smiled slightly. "Thanks."

"No problem. Well, go and sit down then."

Dream walked towards the dining table and took a seat.

George was quickly putting food on plates, and then he set them both on the table.

"Here you go." He said, and then he sat down next to Dream.

Dream grabbed his plate and he started to eat his food.

"So.. Have you, uh.. Thought about any of the coronation?" George asked.

"A little bit." Dream said quietly.

"Do you have any plans?" George asked again, and he seemed slightly curious.

"Um..." Dream said, and then he took another bite of his food. He seemed to be thinking about it for a moment.

"Well.. We should probably figure out a date first, right?" He said.

"Yeah.. I've been thinking about it." George said.

"I was actually hoping we could talk about it today." Dream said. "What do you think? Should we have the coronation this month? Or maybe next month?"

"Yeah.. I was leaning towards next month myself." George said.

Dream nodded again and kept eating his food.

"That's probably a good idea." He said.

"So.. What about the preparations for that? Have you decided anything yet?" George asked.

"We still have to decide on invitations, but other than that.. I'm all out of ideas at the moment."

"Well.. Do you want my opinion?" George said.

".... Sure. I mean, if you have any ideas.. Why not?" Dream said.

"Well.. I was thinking we could go the traditional route." George said.

"Which would be what?" Dream asked.

"A large ceremony in the palace." George said. "And we could even invite all the neighbouring kingdoms. It would be a good opportunity for them to get to know you."

Dream nodded slowly. "That does sound good." He said.

"So.. What do you think?" George asked.

"I think it sounds good." Dream said. "But, I should probably run it by the council first."

"Of course. It's your reign after all." George said.

Dream nodded and he took another bite of his food.

"But, it's definitely a good place to start." George said.

"Yeah.." Dream said again.

After a moment, George looked over at him. "Hey.. Are you alright, Dream? You seem a little quiet." He asked.

"I.. I'm fine." He said quietly. "I'm just trying to come up with ideas for the ceremony."

"Oh, alright then."

"Uhh Dream also. Wanna go to a flower feild with me??" Geirge asked softly.

"Um.." Dream said, and then he thought for a moment. "Well, I guess it depends. What exactly do you want to do there?" He asked.

"Well.. I thought it might be nice." George said. "Just to get away from things for a moment."

"Oh.. Well, that would be nice." Dream said. "We've both been so busy lately."

"Yeah, exactly." George said. "Would you like to come with me? Maybe we could even pick some flowers together?"

"That sounds lovely." Dream said.


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