Part 10 ~ Run

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Sapnap turned and ran out of the funeral, searching the streets for Dream as the sun began to set.

Several hours passed as he scoured every nook and cranny the town had to offer for Dream, but he couldn't find him anywhere.

"Dream.. where are you?" Sapnap murmured to himself, his voice filled with worry. "Please, just come home.. please.."

Suddenly, he stopped, his eyes widening in disbelief.

"Dream.." he whispered, his eyes locking on something unusual.

Dream's shoes, laying discarded in an alleyway. The same shoes he had worn to the funeral.

"Oh, god, no.. no, Dream..."

All of the worry and anxiety Sapnap had felt came flooding back in that moment, and he started to run.

"Dream!" he shouted, hoping against hope that Dream would hear him. "Dream, where are you?!"

Sapnap turned every corner in the City, his heart pumping fiercely in his chest. But there was no sign of Dream. All he could hear was his own breathing, and his own loud and frantic footsteps.

"Dream, please, where are you?" he continued to yell his best friend's name, but no answer came.

Sapnap was beginning to worry now — he had seen Dream like this before, and the thought of something happening to him terrified Sapnap.

"Dream!" Sapnap shouted, running as fast as he could. "Please, show yourself!"

Suddenly, Sapnap stopped. He could hear a commotion coming from just around the corner, and with a quick glance over his shoulder, he ran toward it.

He turned the corner, and suddenly, he saw him.

Dream was standing on the edge of a bridge, looking out at the water.

Sapnap's heart stopped, and for several seconds, he just stood there, stunned. "Dream?" he finally managed to say.


Dream turned and looked at him.

"Dream, what-- what are you doing..?" Sapnap asked quietly.

"I'm sorry.." Dream whispered, taking a step forward.

Sapnap quickly stepped forward to stop him. "Dream, what are you doing!? Don't do this! Please, don't."

"I'm sorry.." Dream repeated quietly, his voice barely audible. "I just-"

"No, Dream, no! This isn't you.. you can't just run away like this, you can't just--" Sapnap started, but Dream took another step forward.

And before Sapnap could react, Dream fell.

Sapnap screamed in shock, as everything happened in a few seconds.

One second, Dream was standing there, and the next.. he was gone.

"No, no, NO! DREAM!!"

Sapnap rushed forward, tears streaming down his face.

He reached the edge of the bridge, and he could see Dream underwater, just barely breathing.

Without hesitation, Sapnap jumped into the water, not caring about the cold or the current.

He just wanted to save Dream.


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