Part 23 ~ Kiss

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George was also getting ready for the ball, and he had also put on some nice clothes.

He looked in the mirror and he also thought that he looked pretty good. He smiled slightly and then he left his chamber.

Soon, he had also left the palace and he was walking towards where the ball was being hosted.

George walked for a few moments and then he realized that he was walking in the same direction as someone else. Someone he knew.

He looked over to see who it was and.. It was Dream. George blushed slightly.

"Hello, George." Dream said, and he smiled.

George blushed slightly again and he looked over at Dream.

"Hello.. Dream." He said, and he smiled back.

Dream glanced over at George again.

"So, is it true that you're going to be my date for the ball tonight?" He asked.

George was silent for a moment and then he nodded. "Yes, I am." He said.

"Well, I guess we should get going then." Dream said.

Dream started to walk towards the ball, and George walked beside him.

George was also silent for a moment.

"You're so cute, Dream." He said, and he laughed slightly.

Dream laughed too and he looked over at George.

"You're just saying that because you want to get under my skin." Dream said.

"Well.." George said, and he paused for a moment. "Maybe I am."

Dream glanced over at George, and then he just smiled again.

Dream and George both started to laugh again, and then they kept walking.

They didn't say anything for a few moments, and then Dream spoke again.

"Well.. I'm sure you're going to look great at the ball." He said.

George blushed slightly and he looked down at the ground. "Oh.. Come on, I'm sure you'll look great too." He said, a bit embarrassed.

"If you say so." Dream said, and he chuckled again.

Dream and George kept walking again, and even though they were both very quiet, they both looked a bit excited.

Soon, they reached the palace where the ball was being hosted.

There were plenty of other people outside, waiting to go into the ball too.

Dream and George joined the line of people and they waited quietly for a moment.

"Do you think it will be nice?" George asked.

"I hope so." Dream said. "If not, at least we can dance and have fun."

George nodded and he smiled slightly.

Soon, they had reached the front of the line and they were able to enter the palace.

They walked into the foyer and they could see the ball ahead, and it looked like that it was going to be very nice.

George glanced at Dream for a moment, and then he looked forward again.

For a moment or two, they both stayed quiet as they walked towards the ball room.

When they were entering, George turned to face Dream again. "Are you ready?" He asked.

"Yes. I'm ready." Dream said, and he smiled.

George took a deep breath and then he stepped forward and he walked into the ball room.

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