Part 9 ~ Funeral

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A few days passed, and the Kingdom was filled with a sense of mourning and sadness.

The funeral for Princess Drista was held in the main square, and thousands of people came to pay their respects.

The entire family was there, along with George, his dad and a few others.

It was a somber and quiet event, as everyone tried to come to terms with Drista's death.

A few hours later, the service came to an end, and the people began to leave. Some even came up to Dream, wanting to express their condolences.

Suddenly Dreams dad came up to him. "What" Dream groaned not wanting to see his father

"Now that Drista can no longer rule, you are the heir to the throne." the king said quietly, stepping forward.

"But.. but I'm not ready.." Dream said, his voice shaking slightly.

"I'm not a leader, I could never be the kind of King that Drista would've been. And besides i dont want to! you kicked me out!"

"But you have to be!" Dream's dad continued. "You're the only son left, and by the rules of the kingdom, you are the heir to the crown. It is your destiny to rule!"

"But I don't want to rule.." Dream said, "I don't want to be a King!"

"But you have no choice, Dream!" the king said sharply. "We need you, and you can do this. Think of Drista. she would've wanted you to protect the kingdom."

"But that's not what I want.." Dream said. "I just.. I just want her back.."

"Drista's gone," his dad responded, his tone harsh as he tried to bring Dream back to reality. "And the Kingdom needs a ruler. It's your job now."

Suddenly, Dream felt something snap in him. He didn't want to hear his dad's harsh words anymore, and he didn't want anyone else telling him what he should do.

"No.." he said firmly. "No, I'm not going to be a King, and you can't make me."

His dad's eyes widened, and Dream could feel every single person in the room staring at him.

He had never talked back to his father like this.. and he wasn't sure if he could do it again.

"But.. but you're the heir!" his dad said, surprised.

"So what if I am?" Dream exclaimed. "I've wanted to rule the Kingdom, until you kicked me out, and now I don't care!"

His dad started to become angry at this point, and even Sapnap was starting to look surprised.

Maybe Dream was going too far.. but he didn't care.

"I won't be a King," he continued. "Drista was the heir, not me. She was always meant to rule the Kingdom, not me!"

"But.. but you're the son, Dream.." his dad protested.

"Yes, I'm the son.." Dream responded, his voice filled with anger now. "But you didn't want me to rule, and you never cared about me!"

He pointed at his dad accusingly. "You kicked me out of the Castle, remember? You called me weak, you said I couldn't handle anything!"

"But.. but--" his dad started to protest, and his maid stepped forward.

"Dream, please.." she said quietly. "Your father didn't mean that, you know he didn't.."

"But that's how I feel! That's what I've always felt!" Dream shouted. "I've never been good enough, never been strong enough, never.."

He broke off, his voice getting caught in his throat. Sapnap put a hand on his back, but Dream just shrugged him off and turned away.

"I don't want to rule, okay?! I don't want to rule, and I don't want to go back to the Castle so you can treat me like shit and make me feel worthless!"

Dream's maid remained quiet, and after a moment, she spoke up again. "Dream, please.."

"No." Dream said firmly. "No, I'm not going back."


"Just stop, okay?! I'm not going back, I can't do this, and I don't want to talk to anyone else right now."

"But, but.." Dream's dad started to protest again, but Dream ignored him. There was no changing his mind, he wasn't going back.

Not until he could figure out what he wanted for his own future.

"Dream.." Sapnap started to say, looking at Dream with concern.

But before he could say anything, Dream turned and ran out of the funeral, leaving Sapnap and his father and maid behind.

Sapnap turned to Dream's father silently, and they were both just as surprised and worried as he was.

"I'll... I'll find him, okay?" Sapnap said finally.

"But where do you think he'll go?" the maid asked.

"I don't know," Sapnap answered, "but I'll find Dream, I promise."


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