Part 17 ~ Told

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Dream stayed quiet for a moment, and then he sighed heavily.

"Look, I know this sounds weird.. But, you can't tell anyone about this, alright?"

The person raised an eyebrow. "You think.. it's 'weird' that you were going to hurt yourself?" She asked, and suddenly she sounded frustrated.

"Why shouldn't your father know about this?!"

"Please.." Dream said, and his voice sounded desperate. "I.. I don't, don't want anyone to know.. Please.. Just.. Please don't say anything.."

Dream stared back at her, his expression turning grim. "What.. No, please don't.."

But the person didn't seem to be listening. She turned around and then she started to head for the door.

"Please.. Wait.." Dream said quickly. "Just.. just let me explain, okay? Please."

She kept walking towards the door.

"Wait!" Dream said again, this time his voice sounded louder and he walked after her.

"Please.. I don't want anyone else to know.. I'm fine, really. I'm okay.."

Dream followed after her, but she just shook her head.

"I can't, like, just forget that I saw this, alright?" She said, and her voice sounded determined.

"No, no, but, I'm not in any danger. You really don't need to worry, I swear.."

"Dream.. You were going to hurt yourself, were you not?" The person asked, and then she stopped walking.

She turned around and then she looked at him.

"You're not okay.. We both know that, right?"

Dream didn't say anything, and he just looked down at the floor as he listened to the person talking.

"Look, you can't just.. go and tell everyone about this." He said quietly.

"I don't want anyone to know. It's personal, alright? I don't want people treating me like I'm.. like I'm insane, or something. You understand, right?"

"Well, it's not like you're showing me much reason to think otherwise right now.." The person said, and her voice was still gentle but also a little bit harsh.

"Hey, what do you mean by that?" Dream asked, and his voice was suddenly defensive. "I'm not insane, alright?"

"No, but what you're doing isn't exactly normal, is it?" The person said, and she crossed her arms again.

Dream stared back at her. "I don't need your judgment right now." He said quietly.

"Please, just.. If you care about me at all, you won't tell anyone about this, alright?"

Dream stayed quiet for a moment, and then he sighed again.

"Fine." The person said, and she seemed frustrated.

"Look, I'm sorry.." Dream said, and he looked up at her again. "I just.. I.. I'm fine, alright? You don't have to tell anyone."

The person rolled her eyes and then she turned back towards the door.

"Hey, wait, where are you going?" Dream asked.

The person didn't turn around. "I'll tell you later." She said, and she didn't say anything else.


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