Part 24 ~ End

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George suddenly pulled out a sword and started to head towards the door.

"George, what the..?" Dream said, and he stayed still.

George turned to face Dream and he spoke quietly. "I.. I'm going to go outside and see what's happening." He said.

Dream was still silent, and then he nodded. "Be careful.." He said, quietly.

"Of course." George said, and he started to walk towards the doorway again.

George was about to leave the room, and then he stopped for a moment.

He turned back towards Dream, and then he took something out of his pocket.

He smiled slightly and he spoke again. "I just wanted to give you this.." He said.

Dream looked confused for a moment. "What is it..?" He asked.

George looked at Dream for a moment and then he spoke quietly. "It's.. A present.. From me, to you." He said, and he smiled again.

Dream looked back at George for a moment and he was surprised.

He took the flower and then he looked at George again. "Thank you." He said, quietly.

"You're welcome." George said, and he smiled slightly.

Dream looked at the flower again.. And then he suddenly remembered.

"Wait a minute.. Is this the same flower that I gave you during our first date?!" He asked, quietly.

George laughed slightly and he spoke again. "Yeah, I kept it." He said, quietly.

"And you're.. You're giving it back to me?" Dream asked, just as quietly.

"Yeah.. I thought you should have it.." George said, and he looked at Dream for a moment.

Dream just smiled and he put the flower carefully into his pocket. "Thank you." He said, quietly.

George took another look at Dream and he smiled again.

"Be safe." Dream said, and he smiled back.

"I will." George said, and then he turned around and left the room again.

Dream stayed still for a moment as he thought about George. He was starting to realise that he had feelings for George.. And he was starting to realise that.. He liked him.

He kept staying still for a few more moments, just thinking. Then.. Suddenly, he heard someone shouting outside.

"George?!" He suddenly heard someone shout.

Dream turned to face the doorway again and he went a bit closer to it, to listen.

"George!" He heard the voice shout again. It sounded like someone was looking for George.

"George, are you alright?!" The voice shouted again, and then Dream heard George's voice.

"Agh! Yes!" George shouted back. He sounded like he was in some sort of trouble. "I'm alright!"

As Dream listened, he could hear a lot of swords clashing.. And.. It sounded like.. Fighting.

Dream started to feel very worried for George.

"George, what's going on?" He asked, and he looked back at the flower in his pocket.

He wanted to go out there and help.. But he also knew that he would just get in the way.

He stayed still for a moment and then.. Suddenly, he started to hear George shouting again.

"George!" Someone else shouted, and then.... Silence.

Then, there was only the sound of swords clashing again.. It was still going on.

Dream suddenly started to run outside, and he went through the doorway.

Outside, the fighting was still going on. It sounded like a lot of swords were clashing and there were a lot of people shouting.

Dream looked around and quickly.. He spotted George's body laying on the ground.

"George!" He shouted, and he ran over to George. He dropped to his knees and he started to check if George was okay.

Dream suddenly started to cry as he saw George's body.

"Please don't.. Don't die, okay.." He said, between tears.

George was unconscious and he was bleeding a lot.. And he was not responding to Dream.

"Wake up..." Dream said, and he gently shook George's body. "Please wake up.. Please.." He said, looking at George.

George.. Was still not responding. "Please.. Please..." Dream said again, crying even more.

Dream checked for George's pulse again.. But.. There was none.

Dream suddenly felt like.. He couldn't handle the situation.

"No.. Don't be dead, George!" He shouted, crying even more. "Don't leave me alone!"

Dream started to hug George's body tightly and he cried again. "No.. No.. No".. He said quietly.

"I'm sorry.." Dream whispered to George, as he hugged him tightly.

George was still not responding.. And.. Dream just cried even more.

"Please, George.. Please wake up.." He said softly.

George did not wake up. Dream pulled away from George and he sat back on the ground. He wiped away his tears.. And then he looked at George's body.

"Please.. No.." Dream said, quietly. He looked at George's body again.. And then, he put his head in his hands and he just.. Cried.

Dream sat there for a few moments, and he just cried.

He was absolutely devastated.

He couldn't believe that George was dead.. And he was also thinking about how.. How he didn't get any chance at all to tell George.. To tell him that.. He liked him.

He looked at George's body for a moment.. And then he sighed. He looked away and he got up.

He didn't know what he was going to do now.. But.. He couldn't stay here.

"I'm.. Sorry." Dream said, quietly.

Dream turned and he walked away.. Leaving George's body behind.

He didn't look back, and.. He just.. Left.


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