Part 12 ~ Alive

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The next morning, Sapnap was awoken by a loud knocking sound.

"Hey, wake up.. hey, wake up!"

Sapnap sat up in bed, his eyes groggy. He could see George standing at the door, looking frantic.

"Did I oversleep?" Sapnap murmured, his voice still low and sleepy.

"No, no, it's not that.."

Sapnap's eyes widened. "What then..?"

"He's gone.. he... he's gone.." George replied, his voice filled with worry.

Sapnap's eyes widened, and he sat up in chair quickly. "Who's gone?"

"Dream, he's gone! He left in the middle of the night, and no one knows where he is!"

"W.. wait, what?!" Sapnap said, his voice filled with shock.

"Come with me, we need to look for him, he could be in danger!" George said frantically, turning around and running out the door.

Sapnap quickly threw his clothes on, and then he rushed out the door to follow George.

Sapnap ran after George, who had already started to make his way down the street.

The rest of the City was starting to wake up now, and there were people everywhere.

"Have you seen Dream?" Sapnap asked a few people on the street, but they just shook their heads.

The two of them kept running, but soon they reached a bridge the same bridge from yesterday.. and that's when Sapnap saw it.

He stopped running, and his eyes widened as he saw a small figure in the water underneath the bridge. It was Dream, and he wasn't moving.

Sapnap didn't hesitate a moment before running out into the water towards Dream.

"Dream!" he shouted, his voice filled with panic. "Dream, wake up! Please.. wake up!"

But Dream didn't move, and Sapnap was starting to get scared.

He quickly reached Dream's body and lifted him out of the water, then he turned Dream onto his side and started to perform CPR.

"Come on, come on, please.. Wake up.. wake up.."

For a long moment, nothing happened, and Sapnap was starting to get desperate.

Sapnap was still performing CPR on Dream, and George was standing beside him, calling for an ambulance.

"The ambulance is on its way, they'll be here soon.. just hang on, okay? They'll save you, Dream!"

But the minutes passed by so slowly and Dream wasn't moving at all. George looked desperately over at Sapnap, and they both tried everything they could to help Dream.

But time was running out, and before they knew it, an ambulance was speeding toward them.

The ambulance quickly came to a stop next to them and two paramedics got out and ran into the water.

Within a moment, they took over from Sapnap and George, and they started to give Dream CPR and to try and resuscitate him.

"Come on, come on, please.. wake up.." Sapnap said softly, watching the paramedics work.

He felt George put his hand on his shoulder, and he turned to look at his friend.

"They're gonna help him, right?" George said, his voice shaky and nervous.

The paramedics worked furiously with Dream's body, and the minutes passed by so slowly as Sapnap and George waited for anything to happen.

"Come on.." Sapnap murmured. "Please, please.. wake up, Dream.."

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