Part 19 ~ George

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Dream stayed silent for a moment. He didn't know what to do, but he knew he had to make sure George was alright.

He took a deep breath and he opened the door again.

"George..?" He asked again, but he still didn't get a response.

He took a step into the hallway, and he looked around.

"George, where are you?" He asked quietly.

There was still no response.

He took another step into the hallway and he looked around again. But he couldn't see George anywhere.

Dream stayed still for a moment, and then he started to move down the hallway again.

He kept looking around, hoping that he would find George, but it was like he had just disappeared.

Dream was getting nervous now, and he started to call out George's name more loudly.

"George! George! Where are you?" But still, there was no response.

"George? George?!" He called again, but still there was no response.

Dream was starting to panic now, and he didn't know what to do.

Dream was still looking around, and then he heard another voice.

"Dream?" George's voice said, and it sounded concerned..

Dream turned around, and he saw George walking towards him. He was carrying a tray of food, and he looked worried.

"Dream.. What's wrong? Are you okay?" George asked.

"Yeah.. Of course." Dream said quickly, but he didn't sound convinced even to himself.

"Were you looking for me?" George asked.

"Y.. Yes." Dream said. "Why, were you in the kitchen?"

"Mm.. I was making you something to eat." George said. "I know you tend to skip meals."

"Oh, well.. Thanks." Dream said, and he seemed a little bit awkward.

"Here." George said, and he held out the tray of food. "Come on, eat."

"I'll eat it later." Dream said quickly.

"No, you'll eat it now." George said, and he suddenly sounded more firm.

"George.. really, it's fine." Dream said softly.

"Well, it's not fine." George said. "I'm not letting you starve in this final month before your coronation."

"I'm not going to starve." Dream said quickly, but his voice was starting to betray him.

"Don't be silly, Dream. Just take the food, alright?" George asked, and he was still holding out the tray.

"But, I'm not hungry.." Dream said, and then he sighed. "Anyway, I have a lot to do, right?"

"You can eat first." George said, and he pushed the tray towards Dream.

"Fine." Dream said, but his voice still didn't sound very convincing.

George moved out the way, and Dream took a few steps towards the tray. Then, he reached out for it, and he picked it up.

"Good." George said. "And I've brought you some water. So, you don't have any excuse this time."

Dream sighed, but he didn't say anything.

"Now, you should eat." George said.

Dream took another deep breath, and then he began to eat.

Dream stayed silent for a moment, and then he just kept eating.

Being A Royal Is Hard. ||DNF||Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ