Part 16 ~ Blade

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"Well," Dream muttered, but this time he sounded more like he was talking to himself than anyone else.

"That didn't go so well." He sighed again, and then he got up from the couch.

He walked over to the bathroom and then he stared at himself in the mirror.

"I'm not supposed to let anyone get close to me." He said quietly.

"No, no, I.. I know.." Dream said, talking to himself again.

"Damn, it.. it's.. it's hard.." He said, his voice trailing off.

Dream sighed and then he put his head in his hands.

"Come on.. just.. Just get a grip.. okay? It doesn't matter, why am I even worried about it?" Dream said out loud.

He took a deep breath and then he looked at his reflection in the mirror.

"Oh, who am I kidding. It does matter to me." Dream said, not sounding like he believed it.

Then, his phone started to ring again, but he left it ringing. He didn't want to talk to anyone. Not right now.

Dream leaned in closer to the mirror, watching his eye as the phone continued to ring.

"I can't keep doing this." He whispered. And as he watched his own reflection, he noticed the faint traces of a scar across his left eye.

"I can't be vulnerable like that again."

That's when he saw it. Sitting on the edge of the sink, a razor blade.

Dream stared at the blade for a moment. It didn't take long for him to make up his mind. He grabbed the blade.

Dream turned to face the bathroom door again. He leaned against it for a moment, his eyes glazed over.

His phone kept ringing, but he ignored it still. He was too distracted with his own thoughts.

Eventually, he sighed and he picked up the blade.

He turned it over in his hands for a moment, and then he raised it to his face. He tilted his head back and he held the blade against his skin.


Dream seemed to jerk, as if something had just shocked him.

He turned around quickly, the blade still raised to his face.

"Is everything okay.." A soft voice echoed through the room, and a pair of silver eyes stared back at him through the door.

Dream stared back at the door, but he didn't say anything.

"Dream..?" The soft voice asked again, and it sounded anxious.

Dream only nodded slightly, and then he started to lower the blade again.

"I.. I just.." Dream began, but he didn't really know what to say.

"Um.. I just.. I wasn't expecting you here." He tried to sound calm, but he was still holding the blade.

"Oh, well.. I just wanted to see if you were okay." The voice said. "I.. I got a bit worried when I saw you in the bathroom for so long."

"Oh, right." Dream said quietly. "I was, um.. I was just.. I was just, uh.. washing my face."

"Is, um.. is that so?" The voice asked quietly.

"Right.." Dream said, and he tried to hide the blade from sight.

"Can I come in?" The voice asked. "It's.. it's just, I'm still kind of worried."

Dream stayed quiet, and then he sighed. "Yeah, uh, sure.. you can come in."

"Oh, alright.." The voice said, and then Dream heard a soft sound as the door opened.

Dream turned to face the door, and he tried to hide the blade behind his back. He watched as the person walked into the bathroom slowly.

"So, you were just, um.. washing your face? Everything's alright then?" The person asked softly.

Dream was quiet for a moment, but then he nodded. "Everything's alright. I'm.. I'm fine."

"Oh, um.. That's good, I guess.." The voice said.

Then, the person noticed the blade in Dream's hands.

"Dream.. what's that?" She asked suddenly, and Dream froze.

"What?" He said quickly, and he tried to hide the blade again.

"What.. are you doing?" The person asked, but Dream didn't say anything.

She took a step forward. "Dream..?" She asked again, and her voice sounded soft and concerned. "Are you okay..?"

Dream didn't say anything, but the person stepped forward again.

"Dream, come on now.. Can I see what that is?" She asked, and her voice was still gentle and calm.

Dream stayed silent for a moment, and then he took a step back. "No.. I don't, um.. I don't think so." He said softly.

"Why not?" The person asked, and the expression on her face turned to confusion. "What's in your hand?"

"Nothing.. um.. It's nothing, really.." Dream said quickly.

Dream was quiet for a moment, but his voice sounded strained as he tried to hide the blade.

"Dream, come on. Let me see it." The person said gently.

Dream stared down at the blade for a moment, his expression turning grim. But then, he looked at the person again.

"Alright.." He said quietly, and he took a step forward. And then, he let his hands fall to his sides.

The person gasped at the sight of the blade. "Dream.. what were you going to do with that?!" She asked.

"It.. It's not what you think." Dream said quickly.

The person stared at him, seemingly not sure what to say.

"Dream, you have a blade in your hands and.. you just looked like you were going to, um.. You know.." She trailed off.

"I.. I know what it looks like.. But, it's not what it is. I swear.."

"What is it then?" She asked. "Why do you have that..?"

"It's, uh.. Well, you see, I.. I was.. I was just cleaning it." Dream said.

"What do you mean, cleaning it?" The person asked, but she sounded less confused now. "Cleaning it?!"

"Yeah, well.. Yeah, I just.. I like to keep things clean.. I don't know."

The person seemed to notice just how nonsensical Dream's response was, and she frowned slightly.

"Dream.." She said quietly. "What were you going to do with that? I think I deserve an answer."

Dream stayed quiet for a moment, but then he sighed. "It's complicated.." He said quietly.

The person stared at him again. "No.. No, Dream. It's not. You were going to do something. What were you going to do with that blade?"

"I, um.. I'm not really sure if.." Dream began again, but then he stopped. "Okay, fine. Okay." He said, and he let out a sigh.

"I was going to use it, alright?" He said, and his voice sounded defeated. "Happy?"
"Dream.. what do you mean, 'use' it!?" The person asked suddenly, and her voice sounded panicked.

Dream was quiet for a moment, and then he said, "I.. I was going to hurt myself. Is that what you want to hear?"

The person stared back at him blankly, and she seemed to be at a loss for words.

"I.. I'm sorry.." Dream said quietly. "I really am. But, the last few months.. It's just, it's been.. really hard, okay?"

"I need to tell your father."


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