Part 6 ~ Conversation

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"We.. we don't have to do this now, if you don't want to," Drista said, looking back at Dream.

She could see that he was struggling, and she didn't want to force him into having this conversation.

But Dream also didn't want to delay this any further, his anxiety only growing as he continued to avoid his sister.

"No, I... I can talk now," he said, sounding slightly strained.

"It's just.. It's been so difficult," he continued. "How are you handling everything..?"

"I'm.. I'm trying my best," Drista replied quietly. "Dad thinks it will be best for the Kingdom if I'm the new heir apparent, not you."

A look of surprise crossed Dream's face. "He told you that?"

Drista nodded slowly.

"And what about you?" Dream asked, feeling a pang in his chest. "Is... are you happy that I won't be King anymore?"

Drista fell silent for a moment, her expression shifting slightly. Dream could tell that she was conflicted about answering.

"...I guess I am," she admitted slowly. "I'm sorry, Dream, but I was always more suited to this life than you. And I.. I didn't want you to have a life filled with so much responsibility, so much stress."

Dream stood still, taking in Drista's words. He felt so many things, but most of all, he felt hurt. "But.. but I was supposed to be King.."

Drista looked at him gently. "I can't change Father's decision, Dream. I only had to accept it."

Dream looked down at the ground, his heart starting to ache even more.

He had lost everything - his title, his father's approval, his hope in the future. And now, not even his sister believed in him.

"Can I... can I ask you something?" he asked softly. Drista gave Dream a curious look, but then nodded slowly. "Okay, go ahead..?"

"Do you hate me..?" Dream asked quietly.

Drista fell silent, trying to think of a way to answer the question.

"No, Dream.." Drista spoke quietly. "I don't.. I don't hate you.. I just think it's better this way."

Dream felt a lump in his throat, trying to keep the tears away. "Better for whom? Certainly not me.."

"Better for the Kingdom," Drista responded. "I think it's the best for everyone."

"Even you?" Dream asked, his eyes now filled with a flicker of hope.

Drista hesitated for a moment. Then, finally, she gave a small nod. "Yes, I think.. so.."

Dream stared at her in disbelief, a wave of mixed emotions washing over him.

One part of him felt a rush of hope - maybe he wasn't completely lost, after all? But another part of him was filled with sadness, knowing that his father and his sister now saw him as unfit to rule.

"How.." Dream began, his voice trembling. "How long have you.. believed that..?"

Drista thought for a moment, her expression growing serious. "For a while now.. at least since Father started talking about how I would make a better ruler than you."

Dream just nodded slowly, taking in his sister's words. "Did you ever try to.. to change his mind?"

Drista fell silent for a moment, her expression growing even more thoughtful.

"I.. no. I had no reason to. He's my father, well our father but, I always knew I had to do what was best for the Kingdom at the end of the day. So." She sighed, her voice sounding slightly sad. "I just accepted it, and I think you need to as well."

"But I don't want to accept it!" Dream snapped, feeling a sudden rush of anger towards his sister.

"I.. I don't want to believe that I'm.. that I'm not good enough.. that I'm not enough for anyone!"

Drista just looked at him, shock and hurt on her face. "Dream, you need to calm down.."

"Calm down?" he yelled, frustration and tears in his voice ans letting out a sad chuckle that almost sounded manic.

"How do expect me to calm down? You and Father have betrayed me and stripped me of everything I've known my whole life, Just because im gay?!!"

"What are you talking about-" Drista tried to say, but Dream cut her off quickly.

"Don't even try to deny it, Drista! I know Father told you, and I know how you feel about me being-"

"Dream, stop-"

"You think I can't read between the lines? You think I'm too stupid to understand what's going on?! Father hates it, and he'll never accept me! Nobody will!"

Drista fell silent, her expression becoming more and more horrified.

"And you..!" Dream continued, his voice growing even louder. "How am I supposed to ever believe that you would accept me after everything you've supported?"

Drista was silent for a moment, shocked by Dream's outburst.

"D-Dream, I don't-" she responded quietly.

"You don't what?" Dream cried. "You don't have anything to say? Oh, that's because you have none! You know why Father made you heir instead of me, and I know you've never been a real supporter of me."

"No, Dream, I-" Drista tried to say, but he cut her off once again, his voice growing angrier and louder with every word.

"I'm just a disappointment to you all, aren't I?" he said, his voice cracking slightly.

"A son who can't meet your expectations, and a brother who doesn't fit into the 'perfect' life that you want for me. How could you ever say that you accept me..? That you're proud of me..?"

Suddenly, George grabbed Drista to break up the fight.

"No, wait!" Drista yelled, trying to push away George and get back to Dream. "Please, let me... let me talk to him!"

But George was too strong, and he pulled her away as she protested.

"What.. what are you doing? Just let me talk to him, please!" she cried, trying to break away from George as she looked back at Dream who was watching her pleadingly. "Please.. Dream.. please!"

But it was too late, and by the time Dream could speak again, George had already pulled her out of the apartment.

An eerie silence permeated the room as George led Drista away, leaving Dream alone in his own thoughts.

He felt the weight of the world on his shoulders, his mind running a mile a minute as he thought about everything that had happened.

And as he sat there, staring at the wall, he realized that this was the end of an era.

And that was the last time Dream was gonna see his sister.


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