Part 15 ~ Mutual

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"No, Dream. Tell me." George said, his voice firm. "You were saying something, so just.. Tell me."

"Well.. um.. I was going to say that, well, I changed my mind." Dream said, his voice suddenly sounding more confident.

George raised an eyebrow, "You changed your mind? You don't want to go on the date anymore?"

Dream shrugged. "Yeah.. I just don't think it's a good idea right now."

George stared at Dream, his face turning a shocked expression. "Dream.. What do you mean?"

Dream said nothing, only giving George a blank stare.

"No, I don't understand." George said, and he took a step forward. "But, you wanted to go on a date with me, right? You said you wanted to.."

Dream stayed quiet as he watched George.

"So, why? What happened?" George asked, sounding so confused.

"It's just not the right time." Dream said quietly. "I'm not, uh.. sure of what I feel right now."

George took another step forward and then he was standing right in front of Dream.

"Dream, that doesn't make any sense." George said slowly, his voice sounding more frustrated than confused now. "What do you mean 'It's not the right time'?"

Dream stayed silent, staring at George.

"Do you know how long I've been waiting.. for someone like you?" George said suddenly, and his voice was slightly strained.

"Someone who could, like.. understand me and, um.. Well, you know..?"

Dream was quiet again, but he looked away from George this time as if he didn't want to look at him.

"Dream, I know I can come across as a bit awkward at times." George said, his voice softer this time.

"But, I really do like you. And I just felt that, we.. We had some sort of connection, if that makes any sense?"

Dream was silent for a moment, and he looked back at George. "I.. I'm sorry, George.. I really am. But I just can't.. go on a date with you right now. Sorry.."

George could feel his heart sinking, but he kept his cool. "Alright.. Well, I guess I understand." He smiled tightly, but it faded quickly. "Hey, um.. It's late now. So... I, uh.. I guess I should go..?"

Dream was quiet, but he nodded slowly. "Okay."

George put his hands in his pockets as he turned to walk away, but he turned back at the last moment and looked at Dream.

"So.. does that mean.. we're not... friends anymore..?" He asked quietly.

"You are my guard. we have to be mutual at least"

"I'm your.. What?" George said, his voice confused again. He looked at Dream, who was standing silently.

"Um, well.. Yeah, I mean, I am your guard." George said slowly, starting to realise what Dream was implying. "But, uh.. Well, we're friends too, right?"

"I suppose," Dream said quietly, and he sounded a little distant.

"Look, Dream." George said. "I'm sorry if I've done something wrong here. But.. well, I just thought.. that you liked me too."

Dream stayed quiet for a moment, and then he sighed. "George, it's.. not that I don't like you. It's just that.."

He paused for a moment, trying to find the right words.

"Well, I'm not really sure what I'm feeling right now." Dream said slowly. "And.. I just think it would be.. better if we didn't go on that date, at least for now."

George hesitated for a moment, and then he nodded. "Okay, alright.. I get it." He said quietly.

Dream sighed heavily, and he ran his hand through his hair.

"Look, George.. I know this probably wasn't the answer you were hoping for, I understand that.. But I'm not trying to be rude or anything."

"No, it's okay.." George said quickly.

"No, it's not.. I'm just, um.. I'm sorry, I don't know what to say.." Dream said.

"Look, don't worry about it, alright?" George said, sounding a little frustrated. "It's okay."

"I just.. I'm just, I don't know." Dream said, and he seemed to be trying to find the right words.

"Look, George, I.. I don't want to say anything that'll hurt you. But.." Dream began slowly.

But before he could finish, George cut him off.

"Oh, forget about it, alright? It's, um.. it's not important."

Dream sighed and he bowed his head, as if he was trying to control his own feelings. "Alright.." He said quietly.

Dream stayed quiet for a moment, but then he turned back to face George.

"Goodnight, George." He said quietly.

George hesitated for a moment, and then he nodded slowly. "Goodnight, Dream." He said, and with that, he turned to leave the room.

"George.." Dream said softly.

"Huh?" George turned back to look at Dream.

"I.. Hope we can talk again tomorrow." Dream said slowly, trying to sound hopeful.

George said nothing, only nodding and then turning to leave once again.

"George..?" Dream called out suddenly, but George didn't turn back.

"George, um.. Wait.." He said, and he started to walk after George. But then, he stopped himself.

"Forget it." He muttered to himself, and he turned around again.

He looked after George as he left, and then he sighed again.

"Goodnight, George.." He said quietly.


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