Part 7 ~ Death

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Time skip to the day when Drista suddenly fell ill. She had been feeling fine one moment, and then the next, she had started having trouble breathing and a fever.

"Something's not right," she whispered to George as he took her temperature.

Drista's breathing was shaky and rapid, and she was covered in a clammy sheen of sweat.

"I'm going to call the Royal Physician," George said, his voice filled with worry as he picked up the phone and dialed a number.

Drista closed her eyes slowly, her breathing becoming even shallower. She felt so weak and lightheaded

"Come on, Dris.." George muttered to himself as he waited for the phone to be picked up.

Drista's breathing was so erratic and shallow now, and she felt so weak.

"Help.. help me...." she breathed, her voice weak and faltering. "Please, I can't... please... help.."

Suddenly, the Royal Physician's response came over the phone, but Drista was too gone to hear it.

The words seemed to be blurred as everything around her slowly sank away, and she collapsed onto the bed in George's arms.

"Oh my god, Dris!" George yelled, his voice sounding loud and muffled in the room.

"Drista..." He tried to shake her awake, but her body was lifeless.

Seconds stretched into minutes, and still, Drista did not respond.

Suddenly, the Royal Physician burst into the room, rushing over to Drista's side and checking her pulse.

"She's not breathing!" he yelled, his voice desperate as he started to perform CPR.

But despite his attempts, it was too late. Drista had already passed away at the age of 20.


The news of Drista's sudden death rocked the entire Kingdom, and thousands of people grieved in her memory.

But for Dream, it was the hardest loss he had ever faced, and he was filled with a deep sense of grief and emptiness.

"Drista.. fuck sake..." he whispered, tears streaming down his face as he sat alone in his room.

He had always been so close to her, and now, she was gone - forever.

He couldn't help but wonder, would their argument have gone differently if he had just listened to her?

"I'm so sorry.." he continued, his voice raw with pain.

"I'm so sorry for the way I treated you, for every bad thing I've ever said to you. I wish we could do things over, that I could turn back time and make everything right again. But I can't.. I can never fix this, and now you're gone."

He took a shaky breath, and then continued speaking to her as if she were there beside him.

"Please, just know that I never wanted things to end up like this.. that I'll always be grateful for everything you've ever done for me.."

"I've always wanted to make you proud, and yet, I just failed in the worst possible way..." he continued, his voice breaking as he took in the weight of the situation.

"But.. I don't want to talk about any of that. I just... I just want you to know how sorry I am, and that I love you."

He paused for a moment, taking in the quietness of the room.

It was almost as if Drista were sitting next to him again. Finally, he whispered: "I love you, Drista..."

He could feel the pain and emptiness within him, slowly but surely taking over.

He could feel the anxiety rising, and the thoughts racing through his mind. The stress, the anger - the fear.

It was all too much to bear, and he couldn't take it.

He reached his shaking hands forward, grabbing a hold of a razor and holding it against his skin.

His heart was racing, his breathing was becoming more rapid. He wanted to release that pain.


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