She helps...

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All I could do was smile when she finally looked up at me. She was gorgeous. She had curly brown hair that was a few inches past her shoulders. She was tall probably bout 5'9 0r 5'10. She had the prettiest brown eyes. No matter how much pain I was in I was smiling. I was brought back to reality by her clearing her throat and saying " Mr. Bryan are you okay? " I automatically wiped the smile off my face and said " Uh yeah...I am fine."

-2 hours later-

 They finally finished stitching my cut and putting the cast on my leg. Doctor Lynch. Yeah that is her name. She finally introduced herself to me. I never got a first name though. Anyway.. My beautiful doctor came back into my room to discharge me. After I signed some papers and she went on and on about how I could not get it wet and I needed to come back here or go to my physician for a checkup in 6 weeks. And the worst part was I would have to be on bed rest for 3 weeks. Right as she was about to walk out the room. I said " Excuse me? Can I please talk to not about my injuries?"


     I got so nervous. I mean he is just the average southern guy right? I should not even be nervous. I mean  he probably is not even interested.I walk back over to him and set my clipboard down at the foot of his bed. He clears his throat then says " Umm. this may seem kinda odd. I understand you are my doctor and everything but, Would you be interested in.. maybe.. going out to dinner or just getting together sometime. I am only in town for about 3 more days. Then I go back on tour." Wait...what... He is on a tour? and he just asked me out. HE JUST ASKED ME OUT.. " I would love to get together sometime Thomas but..." Thats all I get out before he says "Please call me Luke." "Well, Luke... like I said I would be glad to. And what do you mean tour?" He starts laughing..and says " Your telling me you do not know who I am. I thought you were just being professional this whole time. I am a country singer." Oh.. " Oh.. I am sorry but, I do not really listen to country that often but, I am sure your a fantastic singer. And please call me Madi." 


So... That is her name. After chatting for a little we exchange numbers and she helps me out to where Micheal is waiting with my truck. I hug her goodbye and then we leave. Will I really see her again was she just being polite.

A/N : How is it?

He fell and she helped him rise. ( A Luke Bryan fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now