They Vacation... (Kinda)

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I packed a bag like Luke asked me too. We go outside and get into a Black SUV. Luke tells me it's his rental car from the airport. Luke refuses to tell me where we are going. We have been driving for 2 hours already. Every time I try to ask him her just says "You will see when we get there. "

    After about 7 hours Luke pulls up to a beautiful house. I don't bother asking questions. I figure he is going to tell me when he wants to. He parks in front of the house. He jumps out and comes around to open my door. I get out and we start to walk up to the house. Luke pulls keys out of his pocket and opens the door. He turns on the lights and it's beautiful. He closes the door behind us and turns to me. He says " Welcome to my home. " He starts to show me around. We go upstairs and walk into a very large Bedroom. He says " Feel free to look around. I'm gonna go get our bags. " Once he leaves I start to walk around the room. I walk into one door. I turn on the lights and it's a bathroom. A huge bathroom. There is a huge glass shower and double sinks. I walk out and walk into another door. It's a walk in closet. I notice it's empty except for a of men's shoes. And a few shirts and pants. Not nearly enough for someone to have clothes for more than 2 days. When I walk out Luke is standing by the entrance to the bedroom. He walks to me and puts his hands on my sides. He leans and puts his head on my shoulder. After a few minutes of us just standing like that he stands back up. I notice a very sad look. I know I might not get the answer I want but I go for it anyway. "Luke, what's wrong?" He sighs and says " I haven't been back here since the divorce. " I immediately feel sick. This is the room where he slept with his ex wife. I know it shouldn't matter to me but it does. I push my way past Luke. Once I get outside the bedroom I run down the stairs and out the door. I sit on the front lawn. I put my head on my knees. I don't know how to act. I figured it was a new home. Maybe something he had recently purchased. I can't believe he would bring me here. He raised his children here. I here the front door open and close. I don't even bother to ten around cause I know it is Luke. He comes and sits next to me. He doesn't say anything at first and then he says "why did you run out. " I look at him and see that he is on the verge of tears. I knew I had to tell him. I Looked at Luke and turned to face him. "Luke, why would you bring me here?"
He looked up at me and said " I thought it was a good idea but obviously it's not. I can take you back. "
"No Luke don't. " I scooted closed and grabbed his hand. "Luke, I just don't understand. Yes it is not easy for me to hear you lived in this house with your ex wife and kids. But why would you want to come back. Isn't it just a reminder. " "Madi, I wanted to bring you here and show you more about me.  To show you where I lived. Where I am most likely gonna live after this tour is over. Where I was hoping you would be coming to visit me at. I'm so sorry babe. And yes there are a lot of bad memories in that house. But there are good ones too. I raised my boys here Madi. That's why I still own this home. Those boys are the most important thing in my life. The reason I kept moving forward. " I didn't know what to say. But I had to say something before he got the wrong idea. " I love you Luke. And that's what matters. Come on let's get our stuff and go inside. "

He fell and she helped him rise. ( A Luke Bryan fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now