He leaves...

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Luke wakes me up at 6am because he has to take me back to Charleston. I change into jean shorts and one of Luke's tour shifts that he gave me. He puts on shorts and a v-neck. He grabs my bag and puts it in his truck then we head for my house. I start to worry because he hasn't said much at all this morning. Other than "Good Morning" and "Alright, you ready." He hadn't said anything since we left. So, I put my hand on his knee and said "Luke, what's wrong?" He just looked at me then looked back at the road. Then after a second he said " It really sucks you know?!" "What does?" "Me having to leave and you having to stay." "I'm sorry Luke but, you know I can't " "It isn't your fault. It's just you were my motivation last night. Looking over and seeing you smile was the reason I kept going the reason I wanted it to be a great show. Yes, I love what I am doing but, sometimes it's hard. After everything that happened." I couldn't help but, feel bad and want to go with him and forget my job but, I knew that wasn't realistic. I scooted closer to him and laid my head on his shoulder. I said "It sucks for me too. I really like you. I want to spend time with you. Wake up with you next to me. Watch your shows and cheer you on. But I just can't up and leave." He kisses the top of my head and puts one arm around me and keeps the other on the steering wheel. We stayed like this for most of the ride.

When we got back to Madi's house we changed and then went and got food. After eating and walking around the city we went back to her place. I knew I had to leave in an hour or so to get back in time for sound check. We decide to just watch a movie til I have to go. We watch American Sniper. Well try to watch it. Half the time we were kissing or just talking. When it was over I only had a few minutes before I had to leave. We both stand up and that's when it all starts Madi wraps her arms around my neck and starts to kiss me. After a minute she jumps and wraps her legs around my waist and I grab her thighs. I pull away because I know I have to before it goes to far and it's just not the right time. I don't want it to be like this. She drops her legs but keeps her arms around me. Mine on her waist. She leans up and kisses me one more time. Then she says " Do you really have to go?" "Unfortunately, yes" We walk out to my truck and we hug. When I try to pull away she keeps hugging me. I laugh and she pulls away and says "Were gonna see each other again right?" "Of course babe. And that's why I wanna ask you this." "Ask me what?" That's when I get nervous. "Madi will you be my girlfriend?" She smiles and kisses me. When she pulls away she says " Of course. " We kiss again and say our goodbyes and then I'm gone.

He fell and she helped him rise. ( A Luke Bryan fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now