She's alone

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  It has been only 24 hours since Luke left and I miss him like crazy. We are supposed to FaceTime tonight when my shift at the hospital is over. Its 8pm now so I get off in an hour. The ER has been oddly empty tonight I have only had about 10 patients and they have all been for allergic reactions or something small.


I just finished my last show in Raleigh for this tour. I haven't messed up or cancelled a show since I have met Madi. She is my motivation. Its about to be 9pm which means Madi should be getting off. I go back to the bus and find my phone. I click on her contact and it starts ringing. It continues to ring. Damn it. She's not gonna answer. I start to hang up when I hear her voice say "Hey babe." Wow. I love to hear her say that. "Hey hun. you busy?" "No. I just got off. I'm on my way home now."  " Okay baby. I am gonna go shower. Then I will facetime you." "Okay. Bye." "Bye."


  Right as I was walking into my house my phone started to go off. It was Luke trying to facetime me. I hurried up and sat down and answered it. He was sitting in his tour bus. His hair was still wet and he hadn't put a shirt on. He said "Hey Beautiful." "Hey." I knew I looked terrible my hair was up in a bun and I looked tired cause I hadn't slept in 24 hours. But, I wasn't gonna not take his compliment. I hated girls who did the whole "No I'm not" thing.


  I was so happy to see her even though I had just left 24 hours ago. I could tell she hadn't gotten any sleep. She was still so beautiful. We spent the next hour talking and laughing with each other. Occasionally throwing an "I love you." Or " I can't wait til were together." We ended the call with "I love you baby." And then I went to sleep.

A/N : sorry it took so long to get a new one up. I had a lot of school stuff going on. So this probably isn't the best chapter. Updated will probably start to slow cause I start school in a week. But I will keep updating. Tell me what you think.

Love you guys xoxo - Your Writer

He fell and she helped him rise. ( A Luke Bryan fanfiction )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora