She thinks about it (part two)

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When I finish getting dressed I brush my teeth and scrunch my hair. I put on light makeup and a gold necklace. When I walk out of the bathroom Luke is no where to be found. I walk down the hall and still can't find him so I go downstairs. When I get down the stairs I hear music. I turn the corner and see Luke sitting at a piano. (Play Video) He is singing. I lean up against the wall and just listen. The song is beautiful and his voice makes you melt. I have heard him sing at the show and I started listening to some of his music online but, to hear him sing. Just his voice and a piano is amazing. I stay there listening until it is over when the song finishes. I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around him and say "That was amazing baby" he looks up and ask "How long have you been standing there?" "Long enough to know that I love to hear you sing without all the lights and drums and other things. I love to hear just you sing." he then stands up and turns around. He starts to laugh and says "Can I kiss you yet?" I Laugh and nod my head. He leans down and kisses me.


    We had just finished breakfast at this really good place I like to go when I am in Nashville. We get back in the car and I just start driving around. I don't  know where I should take her there are so many things to do but I really don't know what to do with her. Some of my friends who are also country music artist are having a party tonight. I wanna go and introduce Madi to everyone but, I don't want her to be overwhelmed. I don't know how she would feel about it.  I reach over and grab her hand. I say " So there is this party going on with some of my friends tonight. I wanted to know how you would feel about going. There is gonna be like only 30 people. It's a small thing just a few of us wanted to get together and catch up. I haven't seen a lot of them in a while. But we don't have to go if you don't want to." She looks over at me and says " yeah why would I have a problem with it.  I'd love to meet your friends. If your ready for me too. "
- night-
It's almost 8:30 right now. I am sitting on the bed ready while Luke is taking time getting ready. After about 30 minutes he came out with jeans and a navy blue button down on with the sleeves rolled to his elbows. He looks at me and smiles and says " sorry it was hard getting these on with a hurt leg." He still had on a boot. He can get it of next weekend. I was wearing high waisted skinny jeans and a flowy tank top. He put on his hat and one boot and I put on my sandals and we left.
When we got to the house there were a bunch of trucks parked out front. Luke jumped out and let me out and we walked to the front door. I thought Luke was gonna knock but he just walked in. He must really know these people. There were people sitting at the bar and on the couches and standing around this huge house. We walk out the glass back doors and into the back yard. People are sitting on outside furniture. I hear a guy yell "LUKE!! Man. How are you. " I look over and see a extremely tall guy. He looks so familiar but, I can't wrap my mind around it. Luke and I walk over to the guy and Luke and him do that weird bro handshake hug thing. And then he looks at me and says " Wow. Luke. Who is this ?" I just give him a awkward smile and Luke says " Blake meet Madison my girlfriend. Madi meet Blake he's a old friend. And a singer as well " then it hits me. He's the guy from the Voice. I then get butterflies and feel really excited. I really haven't met that many "important" people. Other than Luke. But I don't really consider him a famous person. He is just Luke to me.


I was nervous just for going to this party cause me and Blake kinda stopped talking when me and Caroline divorced and I got all depressed and stuff. And Blake fell off when him and Miranda split. I was already separated when Blake and Miranda split. So I let him stay with me for like a week then he moved off.


After getting introduced to a bunch of random people we all sat around and started drinking. Luke wasn't really drinking a lot cause he promised he would be able to drive home. He drank one drink then stopped. But, me. I was getting wasted. I really didn't notice at first how drunk I was getting. I started out with one beer. Then it turned to three. Then more. Last thing I remember is sitting on Luke's lap outside with Blake and their other friends. We were all laughing about Lukes fall when he asked me to move to Tennessee with him. He said he had made calls and the local hospital in Nashville would love to have me. I thought he was joking. But. I do really like it here.

A/N: sorry it's been forever. Do u think she should move??

He fell and she helped him rise. ( A Luke Bryan fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now