He calls...

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It was my last day in South Carolina before I had to leave for New York. I have not done anymore shows due to my injuries. I haven't received a call from Madi at all. I figure she has already forgotten she told me she would go out. I want to call her but, I don't wanna seem desperate.

All I have been able to think about was Luke. I can not seem to get him off my mind. The way he smiles and his deep southern accent. I am waiting on him to call but he has not. And I am starting to think this is just like all the other guys. Telling me they wanna go out but, never calling.


Okay. I am gonna do it. I have to. It's killing me inside not hearing her talk. Not knowing whether she wants to go out or not. I press her contact and call her. It rings and rings. I knew she would not answer right before I hang up I hear her voice "Hello." YES!! "Hey it's Luke. " "How have you been?" "Fine under the circumstances. How are you beautiful?" wait. I did not. It just slipped. The line goes silent. Uh oh I really messed up. Then she says " I'm great. " whew. "So. Are you still up for getting together? Maybe dinner? Or something. " "yeah. I would love too. Tonight?" "Yeah. It's my last night here. " "okay. That's fine. What time?" "How bout I pick you up at 8?" "Sounds. Great. ". I was so excited. And I don't even know why?! "Okay. We'll see ya tonight." "Yeah. Tonight. Bye. "
Once I hung up all I could do was smile. This would be the first time since my divorce that I would actually be dating. Not just taking a hooking up with random girls.



Once I realize I only have an hour left until Luke will be here I take a quick shower and begin to get dressed. ( outfit above) I put mousse in my hair and leave it natural which means it's curly. I put on light makeup just some cover up and some mascara and lipstick. As I am putting on my sandals I hear a knock at the door. When I open the door Luke is standing there looking absolutely stunning. He has on jeans and a white button down shirt on and well one boot since his other leg is in a cast. Which I am curios to know how he got them tight ass jeans on. They are rolled above his cast which ends mid calf. When I look back up he is smiling and says "You look gorgeous." "Thanks so do you. So how did you manage to get on them jeans."

He fell and she helped him rise. ( A Luke Bryan fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now