She goes...

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  We went out to dinner at Sesame (real place in Charleston. IT IS AMAZING). Now we are at Folly Beach and were walking down the beach holding hands when the idea comes to me. I want Madi to go on tour with me. "Madi?" "Yeah..." "Um.. I know you have your job and everything here but, as you know tomorrow I am leaving to finish my tour and I was just thinking maybe if it was possible you could come with. Not for the whole thing but maybe for a week or so..." She stopped and just looked at me. She didn't answer. I know she probably will not be able to go. 


   Luke just asked if I want to go on his tour with him for a week. I really wan to go but I can only get off for 2 days at a time and all the other time I have to stay close to the hospital incase of an emergency.  "Luke.. I really would enjoy going with you but, I can only get off for 2 days at such a short notice. If I could get off longer I would but, I'm sorry I can't." I can tell he is upset that I can not go. He just looks at me and says " I got a idea. We are just going to Raleigh , North Carolina. Come , we can hang out for a few hours then you can watch the show. Stay the night then I will personally drive you back the next morning." He does have a pretty good idea but, i don't know.. " Luke, I..." He lets go and steps back. " It is fine Madi. I get it you do not want to go." He turns around and starts to walk. I catch up and put my hand on his shoulder. " Luke, I will go." He turns around and thats when it happens. He just kisses me. At first I am shocked but, then I start to kiss him back.

He fell and she helped him rise. ( A Luke Bryan fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now