She thinks about it..( part one)

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I woke up with a massive headache the next morning. After I had explained everything to Madi and got her back into the house we started to drink. I had to convince her about 100 times that drinking a little wouldn't make me fall back into the black hole I had started to dig myself out of. I had a problem because I was depressed. But I'm no longer depressed. I may still have a few moments when I am alone in the quiet that I start to think back. But Madi really help me as cheesy and chick flick-y as that sounds it is true.

When I woke up Madi was still asleep she was laying with her head on my chest and our legs were tangled together. I stayed laying there because I didn't want to wake her. I extended my arm out and reached for my phone. I had what seemed like 1,000 notifications all talking about me and Madi. I didn't even bother reading any of them cause half of them were probably lies. I laid my phone back onto the bed side table. We ended up sleeping in the downstairs guest room. Madi refused to sleep in the Master bed for obvious reasons.


When I woke up Luke was awake. I was still cuddled against him. He was watching the tv that was mounted on the wall directly in front of the bed. It was turned down so low it was almost mute. He looked down at me and kissed the top of my head. I said "Good Morning, Babe" he smiled down at me and said "Good Morning. " "How long have you been awake?" "About 30 minutes. " " You could have woken me up. I would have been okay. " "You looked so peaceful I didn't want to mess with you. " "Aw. What's the plan for today?" He didn't answer so either he has no plan or he just doesn't want me to know. I sat up and looked at him and said "Luke....What do you wanna do?"  He looked over at me and smiled. Before I knew what had happened I was laying on my  back and he was above me. He started to kiss my neck. His hands were on either side of my head. I put my hands in his hair. He took one hand and wrapped my leg around him. He started to lift my shirt up when he rolled off me and stood up. He said "I am gonna go shower." Seriously!!! I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him. I yelled "Tease!!" I could hear him laughing from the bathroom. I grabbed my phone from the side table and started to scroll through my twitter. There were alot of pictures of me and Luke. Articles talking about him moving on from his ex. Talking about his "New Girl". I continued to look at Facebook and Twitter until Luke was out of the shower. He walked out with only a towel wrapped around his waist. I knew he did it on purpose. I stood up and walked to my suitcase. I pulled out a pair of Jean shorts and a white Jack Daniels Racerback . I also got out all the stuff I would need in the shower like my Razor , Shampoo ,ect. I started to walk to the shower when Luke grabbed me and tried to kiss me. When he leaned in I turned my head and he kissed my cheek. I tried to keep walking but he kept a grip on my hips. I looked at him and said "Let me go. " he said "baby. Why aren't you kissing me?" I started to laugh. He looked at me like I had 4 heads. "why are you laughing. " "why should I kiss you after you were being such a tease. And I gotta go shower. "


While Madi was in the shower I called the local mattress store to order a new mattress to be sent to the house. I knew it would have to happen eventually because she refuses to sleep in the bed with that mattress.


When I got out of the shower I dried off my body and started to put on my clothes. I realized I could not find underwear or a bra. I knew I had forgotten something. I wrapped my towel back around me and walked out into the bedroom. It may sound bad but, I was really hoping Luke would be in there. He was laying on the bed when I walked out. He looked up at me and started to smile. He had already gotten dressed in khaki colored shorts and a purple v-neck. He was wearing a Georgia Bulldogs hat. He said "Damn Baby. Do I need to start taking my clothes off." I looked at him and rolled my eyes. I quickly grabbed what I needed and went back to get ready.

A/N : as everyone has probably noticed I changed the cover. I made this and really loved it. That's kinda what Madi looks like but not exactly. She has dark eyes. Is tall for a female. Around 5'9. Dark naturally curly hair. Skinny but curvy? Okay? Anyway. Keep givin me feedback. 💗👏🏼 this is kinda a filler for something big I am working up too. Please tell me in the comments how you feel about sexual chapters. Should I just skip past the details. Or put the details in. Let me know Please. Thanks so much.

He fell and she helped him rise. ( A Luke Bryan fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now