14. Order For Ms Venable

451 16 0

Word Count: 2002

Trigger Warnings: SMUT, Semi-public Smut, Choking Kink, Mommy Kink, Degrading Kink, Praise Kink, And Cussing
Y/N Pov

"Y/n!! Lunch break's over. Get back out there." I softly groan as I pull my head away from the break room table. I'm exhausted. Yesterday I filled in for one of the new baristas and let's just say me and her do not get along. We've been butting heads ever since she started and she purposely left in the middle of lunch rush yesterday. I didn't handle it badly, but I'm pissed and sour. I turn to look at my manager and I can see the sympathy in his eyes. "I know you're tired, but look on the bright side, you're off this weekend."

I rolled my eyes as I stood up, grabbing my apron in the process. "If I graduated from college already I'd be an engineer and wouldn't have to deal with this." He chuckled lightly patting me on the back as I tied my Starbucks apron on. I headed out of the break room door going behind the counter to start on the drink Brenda left to me. Of course the only reason I HAD to come out here was so Brenda could go on break. Fucking Brenda. As I started serving people up front with a fake smile I see my beautiful girlfriend enter instantly replacing the fake smile with a genuine one.

We've only been dating for a couple months and I'm already in love. She's so sweet with me. It all happened because I decided to right my number down on a sticky note for her and it all started to blossom like a rose in spring. She called me and asked me out on a date, then another, then another, and now we're finally dating. It all happened so fast. I guess that's just what lesbians do.

As Ms Venable approached the counter I leaned on it with a dopey smile on my face. "Would you like your usual Ms Venable?" As I looked into her eyes I could tell she seemed tense today. Great, we're both having a crappy day.

"Yes, obviously." Her response was short with a bitter undertone. Someone is definitely having a real crappy day. As her tone made my smile falter I pulled through and just nodded as I rang her up. I went and quickly whipped up her drink while the other barista took the next order. I kept watching Ms Venable out of the corner of my eye watching her impatiently tap her cane. It's more of an anxiety thing from what I've noticed, but she does tend to tap her fingers on her cane when she's annoyed.

I called out her name and she glared at me as she got up to grab her drink. As she took the cup from me I gently touched her hand while I looked at her with a sympathetic look. I swear the corners of her mouth slightly twitched before she turned away walking to her usual booth in the back. I sighed as I turned to take more orders as my shift was almost over. The whole time I was watching my beautiful girlfriend sitting alone, waiting for me.

Soon my shift was over and I clocked out. I walked over to the booth still wearing my apron and gloves as I plop down across from my love. "You look tired." My head drops as I look at her.

"Do I really look that bad?" I whine as I prop my head up with my hands. She lightly shakes  her head as she gently caresses my cheek. I sigh as she cups my cheek the her hand pulling me into a small kiss. I sigh against her lips as we pull away. "I thought you didn't like kissing in public?"

"I can make exceptions." A small smile fell on her lips. I leaned in content as she fixed her position, groaning from the pain in her back. I reached over holding her hand in mine. She slightly froze didn't try to push me away.

"Mina, maybe we could just go back to your place? Spend some alone time together?" I bite my lip as I look at her with pleading eyes. "It'll help I swear." Mina just rolled her eyes at me as she intertwined our hands together. I giggle slightly as I get lost in her eyes, but soon her smile fades and my brows furrow. Before I could ask what's wrong fucking Brenda RUINS the moment by spilling a pink drink on me. I'm glad I'm still in my uniform, but still! "What the fuck Brenda?!" I stand up quickly as my manger Ralph comes out from behind the counter.

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