18. I Have Enough Love For All Of You

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Word Count: 980

Hello everyone!! This is another request which makes my day because I don't have the brain power to think of a prompt on my own. This request is from the lovely reader @Ahs_fan4life and by request this is gonna be a one-shot with Wilhemina Venable x Cordelia Goode x Billie Dean Howard x Reader.
This is my first time writing something like this so I'm sorry if it's bad. Enjoy.
Y/N Pov


I rolled over smacking my alarm clock until it shut up. It's 5:00 AM already? I thought I had more time. After getting out of bed I walked over to the bathroom to get ready. I've been in New York for the past two weeks on a business meeting. I wasn't supposed to go alone, but Mina got sick. Then Delia. Then Billie and it was just a fucking train wreck. Hopefully when I get home they'll be fine, but I can't get my hopes up know Delia is the only one able to take care of them all and she's sick too. This is what I get for leaving them all alone.

I quickly pack the last of my things before heading to the door and sprinting to catch a cab to the airport. As I got in I feel my phone vibrate. Before answering I tell the driver to take me to the airport. Grabbing my phone I feel another vibration, then another. Then my phone starts blowing up. If it is who I think it is they better stop spamming me. Pulling up my phone I see a text from each one of my girlfriends. They're all arguing in the group chat we made.

❤️My Lovers❤️

Delia: Y/n are you on you're way home yet? These two are driving me crazy.

Billie: I am not! I didn't do anything. Y/n, Honey, answer us please!

Mina: Will you two stop? She's probably busy and for one I haven't done anything Cordelia. You've been driving me crazy all week.

Billie: Cordelia has been an angel Mina. You're just grumpy as usual and don't want to take your meds.

Mina: Do you ever shut up? You haven't shut up since Y/n left for the business trip, and quite frankly you're annoying.

Billie: Then why are you dating me?!

Delia: Okay enough you two! I don't think going at each other's throats is the best choice right now and Billie don't be insensitive. You know we all love each other so please don't say that.

Billie: Fine, but I'm in no mood to talk right now. I'm going back to work. Just text me when Y/n gets back.

Instead of trying to diffuse the situation I leave it be. This happens more often than I'd like to admit and I just wish we could all actually spend some quality time together. They're just stressed Y/n, everything's probably gonna be okay. I take deep breaths as the cab pulls up to fly me back to New Orleans. Having two famous girlfriends and one that is loaded helps when I get first-class. As I run to my flight as it boards I give my bags to luggage and get escorted inside. As I make it to my seat I grab earmuffs from the stewardess. Soon the Captain started speaking and I just tuned him out, hoping the three hour flight goes by quickly.

As the airplane took off I immediately put my earmuffs on and leaned my head back on the seat hoping to get a good nap in before I meet the chaos at home. Just as I fell asleep it felt like mere minutes before I woke up to the plane landing. I wasn't as tired anymore, but now getting home was gonna be a hassle. Should I text them? As I contemplated the decisions I got off the plane and immediately went to the luggage area to grab my things. Grabbing my suitcase and small bag I turn to head out of the terminal. As I'm walking I swear I hear someone yell my name. I brush it off and keep walking before I hear the voice again.

"Y/n over here!" As I turn to my left to find the source of the voice I nearly drop my bags as I see all my girlfriends standing together holding a sign for me. My jaw drops as I quickly speed walk over to them. I practically drop my bags as I run into their embrace. The group hug felt nice as my mind calmed. They're not fighting. It's a miracle! The biggest smile spreads across my face when we finally break apart.

"Y/n we missed you so much." Delia pulled me into a big hug as I heard Billie going to grab my bags. The hug was ling and I loved it, but what I lived more was as I peaked over Delia's shoulder I saw Mina and Billie holding hands. These two swear they hate each other one minute and the next they act like they're in love. I love them so much. Pulling away from the hug I kiss Delia softly before turning to face my other two girlfriends. I give each one of them a kiss before taking my bags back from Billie.

"So I see you two made up." I point out as we all start walking, noticing Billie's hand never leaving Mina's. Mina smiled softly before looking at Billie. Billie sheepishly nodded and leaned into Mina. I chuckled as I took Delia's hand, letting her lead us away to the car.

I know this is a short one and I tried my best
but with practice I'll probably get better
Love you guys!!!
Thank you for all the love and support and please request anything
Bye Bye 💜💜💜💜

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