16. Coworker Hate

399 20 2

Word Count: 1521

Hello everyone!!! This blurb just came to me threw a request from @littlemissfranzi. As by request this is going to be a comfort one-shot so it's a little angsty, but nothing to crazy so enjoy!!
Y/N Pov

"I don't care how long it takes just please get it done. I'm not getting screamed at by Ms Venable because of you." I rolled my eyes as the man in front of me just moved even slower to get the paperwork I've been requesting for the past hour. I was on a short fuse today and so was Ms Venable. It's been one hell of a week and we have so many new clients it's insane. Me and Ms Venable have been going on little dates for months, but since these clients started coming in we've had no real quality time together. I can tell it's taking a toll on her. I'm almost like her shield.

When we started going out I told her about everything everyone said behind her back. I wasn't going to hide what they were saying because I care about her and she needed to know. Of course when I told her she seemed unfazed, but I knew it hurt to hear it.  After snatching the paperwork from the stupid employee I started rushing to Ms Venable's office. My heels echoed through the halls as I practically sprinted to the elevator. I kept smashing the button to call the elevator as I waited impatiently. When one arrived I quickly entered pressing Ms Venable's floor. When the elevator opened up I was quick to keep up my fast pace.

As I turned the corner to go down the hall leading to Ms Venable's large office I noticed the blinds were shut. Huh, I don't remember a meeting on the schedule. Damn it, did I mess up her schedule? Oh she's going to kill me. I panicked quietly as I started walking to the office. I may be her unofficial girlfriend, but it doesn't mean I get to escape her wrath. I managed to stop myself from knocking as I waited to calm my nerves. I didn't want to be rude, but she does need this paperwork. I took a deep breath before knocking on the door. As I knocked I heard shuffling and something hit the ground. I just stood there knowing to wait for approval to enter.

"Who is it? Xavier if it's you I already told you to get back to work." I tensed at the name immediately. Xavier is Ms Venable's biggest hater and I wish he could get fired like everyone else, but his mother is our biggest client. She buys so many products I've just stopped counting.

"No, it's Y/n. May I come in?" I heard a relieved sigh as the door opened and I was pulled inside. I almost tripped as I felt Ms Venable's arm around my waist. She held me tightly as she rested her head on mine. Since her heels give her a greater height advantage I'm pressed against her chest, listening to her heart beat. I like this dynamic, but it's strange since Ms Venable has strict rules on how we act at work. She hates any physical contact at work so this is a shocker. I don't say anything as I just let it happen. Slowly I wrap my arms around her lower back. My eyes close as I inhale her lavender scent. Oh I wish we could stay like this all day. Beats working with these idiots.

After a while I feel Wilhemina slowly pull away. I let her as her hand just rests on my hip as I move both of my hands to her cheeks. Since her blinds are closed I know something's wrong. I gently caress her face with my thumbs as I study her eyes. They're red like she'd been crying and I can tell she's tired. "Wilhemina what's wrong? What happened?" Her mouth opened to speak, but nothing came out. I just patiently waited as I continued to caress her cheeks. As she tried to think of the words her eyes started to turn redder as he glasses started to fog up.

I used my right hand to take them off and slide them into my pocket. As tears started to brim her eyes I shushed her as she tried to speak. I gently guided Wilhemina back to her seat before pulling up my own chair. "Wilhemina it's okay, I'm here. What's wrong? What happened?" Tears started to roll down her cheeks as she stayed silent. Her eyes left mine as she tried to formulate a sentence. Before she could really say anything someone was knocking on the door. Her eyes immediately went to the door as she tried to compose her self. I shook my head at her as I went to crack the door open, peeking my head into the hall.

"Oh Y/n, I thought you were on the third floor. Well uhm I came to talk to Ms Venable, is she here? That bitch tried to tell me how to do my job, can you believe it? I yelled at her and she told me to get out. How was I supposed to know she'd get all sensitive when I called her a crippled bitch?" I was at my wits end and I just couldn't listen to his annoying rant anymore. He was still going as I stepped out into the hall. I walked up to him and slapped him after he said he called Ms Venable a crippled bitch. How dare SHE get sensitive?! What the actual fuck was this guy on. It's one thing to be annoyed by your boss, but it's another to call her a crippled bitch. He was stunned after I slapped him, practically fell over. I left a red handprint on his face. I was furious to say the least.
"What was that for you crazy bitch?! I can press charges for assault!" My jaw was clenched as I was not dealing with his bullshit today.

"Oh, why so sensitive? It was just a slap." He looked baffled as he started to back away. His eyes darted behind me as he finally turned away and stormed off. My breaths were shaky as I took a moment to really let what I did sink in. I just punched a guy form basically committing a hate crime against my boss, who is also my girlfriend. My hands went to cover my face as I turned around to meet Ms Venable. I knew she'd been standing behind me after Xavier threatened to press charges. I knew because I heard the door open quietly and I heard the tap of her cane. I felt her hand go to my shoulder. My hands immediately wrapped around her lower back as I pulled her into a tight hug. Her arm slowly wrapped around me. I know we're out in the open and I usually respect her wishes to be private, but I couldn't help it. No wonder she was crying.

"Y/n you didn't have to do that." She kissed the top of my head as her hand rubbed my back. My breathing went back to normal as we stood there for a moment. I listened to her heart beat as I took deep breaths, trying to keep myself calm as I tried to respond.

"I did. I did have to slap him. Wilhemina what he did is considered a hate crime and I couldn't just let him get away with it. I care about you so much. Seeing you cry broke my heart." My hands started to rub her lower back as I nestled into her. After a couple minutes turned into about ten Ms Venable started to pull away, but I wouldn't let her. She let out a chuckle as she tried to escape my grasp.

"Come on Y/n, let go. We need to get back to work."

"No. I want to stay like this all day. Forget work. I just want to be with you and make your day better after what that asshole did." Ms Venable moved to grab my chin pulling my head to meet hers.

"You already make my day better by just being with me. If you really have to you can work in my office with me for the rest of the day." I eagerly nodded my head at the proposition. Wilhemina smiled brightly before giving me a light peck. My grip released as she went back inside of her office and I was quick to follow. For the rest of the day we worked, laughed, and just enjoyed each other's company. Although the time together was nice, the only thing I cared about was the smile that never once left her lips.

Hey everyone!!!
I know this one-shot is short, but I hoped you liked it
I'm still doing requests so feel free to ask for anything
I hope you have a great day/night where ever you are
Bye bye💜💜💜

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