Unspoken Desires

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As the late afternoon sun filtered through the curtains, bathing the room in a soft, warm glow, Jeanne and Jel stood in her cozy bedroom. Fresh from a relaxing shower, the atmosphere was filled with a sense of intimacy.

"You look so good with makeup on," Jel remarked with a gentle smile as they entered the room.

Jeanne turned to her with a raised eyebrow, playfully challenging her words. "Does that mean I don't look good without one?"

A wave of reassurance washed over them, and they instantly denied any such implication. "No, of course not," they replied sincerely. "I can never recall a time when you didn't look good."

Jeanne chuckled softly, playfully rolling her eyes at the compliment as her gaze settled on Jel. "I've never seen you wearing makeup," she commented, genuine curiosity in her voice.

They admitted their inexperience with a small sigh. "I'm not really used to it," they confessed, her fingers absentmindedly grazing their makeup-free face. The truth was, they had never been taught how to apply makeup, and the idea of learning seemed daunting.

"I can tell," Jeanne remarked with a teasing smile as if she had known Jel all her life.

They sighed, her frustration with their own lack of skill apparent. "And I don't really know how," they added, a hint of vulnerability in their voice.

Jeanne's eyes sparkled with an idea as she reached for a small makeup bag on her dresser. "Do you want me to put some on you?" She offered, holding up an array of cosmetics.

They hesitated for a moment, their uncertainty showing. "If you want," they replied, their voice cautious.

Jeanne leaned closer, her gaze unwavering. "Do you want me to?" she inquired, seeking confirmation.

"Yes," Jel replied firmly this time, their decision clear.

With graceful movements, Jeanne rose from her chair and moved to the edge of the bed. "Okay. Lay down," she instructed, patting the mattress.

They blinked in confusion. "Am I not supposed to sit down?" They asked, still uncertain about the process.

Jeanne chuckled softly at them. "There's no extra chair," she explained, gesturing around the room. "So, the bed it is."

Their eyes roamed the room as they processed this information. It was true; there was only one chair in front of the vanity mirror. "We're doing makeup on the bed?" They asked, still bewildered by the unusual arrangement.

Jeanne couldn't help but roll her eyes. "What did you want us to do, Jel? Make out?" She teased.

A deep blush spread across Jel's cheeks as they quickly shook their head. "No," they stammered. "I just... I didn't expect this."

Jeanne laughed softly and patted the empty space on the bed beside her. "Well, now you know," she said, her voice warm and inviting.

With a hint of hesitation, Jel finally obliged, sitting down beside Jeanne on the soft bedspread. The warm afternoon light bathed them in a gentle embrace, casting a soft glow on their faces. Jeanne reached for her makeup brushes and colors, and Jel couldn't help but feel grateful for this unexpected moment—a chance to learn something new and deepen their bond in the process.

Amid the gentle ambiance of Jeanne's bedroom, the air was thick with anticipation. With some hesitation, they had finally agreed to sit on the bed, the soft sheets cushioning their every movement. Their eyes were locked on Jeanne, who had brought her makeup supplies from the vanity and was now positioning herself on top of them, straddling their abdomen. It was an unexpected and intimate moment, one that left them feeling slightly nervous, yet strangely excited.

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