Chapter 2.

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Back with the remembrance.
"How did you feel, and what were the thoughts that went through your head when you heard the message from Malcador the Sigillite?" the remembrance asked me eagerly. I looked at her and then answered, "I just told you, didn't I?" She just smiled and continued, "Yes, you did, but more details will never hurt, would they?" Her smile grew larger as she spoke. I could feel my eyes darken and her expression changed, and she looked a bit insecure. I smiled and then leaned back in the chair and asked her if she wanted me to continue my journey. She nodded in response and then I continued from where I was.

Chapter 2.
A sense of chilling tranquility washed over me, a feeling I knew all too well, even in the face of my Astartes adversaries. The situation mirrored countless past encounters. Settling into my chair, I braced myself for the impending wait, the calm before the storm. Determined, I shut my eyes and suppressed the smoldering ember of anger within me. Taking a deep breath, I regained composure. Suddenly, the tremor jolted through the entire transport vessel, a repercussion of the mighty blow delivered to The Angelic Grace.

The anticipation of battle consumed my thoughts. I leaned towards the Astartes in charge of our transport vessel, curious if the relentless tremors would impede our departure. To my relief, he assured me that everything was well under control and functioning as it should. Suddenly, the commanding voice of first captain Atréo echoed through the vox system, granting the 2nd company permission to take flight and storm The Emperor's Pride. Atréo's determination resonated in his words, igniting a fire within me. Securing myself in my seat, I closed my eyes, embracing the moments of stillness before the impending fight.

After an eternity of anticipation, the hum of my boarding craft signaled our departure into the vast oceans of souls. As the vessel change course, a surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins. Suddenly, chaos erupted - we found ourselves thrust into the heart of an epic celestial clash, unlike anything I had ever witnessed. The sight was both horrifying and awe-inspiring, as two colossal Glariana-class battleships engaged in an intricate dance of destruction, surrounded by a swarm of smaller vessels resembling furious bees. Each ship, regardless of its size, contributed to the symphony of chaos.

Despite the imminent danger, there was an undeniable allure to this cosmic spectacle. The sheer magnitude of the battle painted a breathtaking tableau against the infinite backdrop of stars. Time seemed to bend as my transport ship endured relentless bombardment, yet miraculously, its protective shields held steadfast against the onslaught.

As I sat there,attentively listening, the captain of the boarding vessels relayed to me, in real-time, the devastating news of the destruction and damage inflicted upon our fellow boarding vessels. It was disheartening to learn that some of them were rendered incapable of fulfilling their mission.

Suddenly, a jolt ran through the ship I was occupying, signaling that we had taken a significant blow. The captain of the boarding vessel aboard our ship promptly informed us that our shields had been completely obliterated. He emphasized the grave consequence of enduring a similar attack again, as it would spell death for us.

Feeling the urgency of our objective, I anxiously inquired about the timeline for commencing the boarding of the Emperor's Pride. The captain, his eyes fixed on the screens before him, calculated the remaining time and informed me that we would initiate the initial phase in a mere two minutes.

The hands of the clock seemed to drag on, each second stretching out into an eternity as we anxiously awaited the signal to commence the boarding operation on the majestic vessel, the Emperor's Pride. The captain's voice echoed through the intercom, updating us on the ever-changing status of our other boarding vessels. The news was disheartening - we were perilously close to losing a third of our fleet in the fierce battle raging outside in the warp.

In the midst of the chaos, the Angelic Grace and the Emperor's Pride valiantly clashed, each behemoth refusing to yield an inch. Their titanic struggle symbolized a battle of wills, a fight for survival where neither battleship showed any inclination of backing down.

At long last, we reached our destination, The Emperor's Pride, and a jolt ran through me as our boarding vessel collided with the colossal Glariana-class battleship. Within moments, the captain of our vessel announced our successful docking, sealing us inside. Astartes warriors aboard began advancing towards the lock, ensuring its complete security, and swiftly creating an opening large enough for our passage. Curiosity burned within me, and I inquired of the captain regarding the number of boarding vessels that had successfully latched onto The Emperor's Pride. His response revealed that just under two-thirds had triumphantly made it all the way forward.

I watched as the Astartes, who were trying to secure an entrance to The Emperor's Pride, finally managed to break through. I quickly took the lead over my squad and made my way onto The 3rd Legion's Astartes Emperor's Children flagship. We found ourselves in a deserted corridor, and I could see how my squad positioned themselves perfectly to defend against any defenders from The Emperor's Pride's defense force. I smiled to myself as I heard on our vox-radio communication how one after another of the Astartes from the other boarding vessels managed to get in almost exactly after we did. So far, none of the Astartes under my control had encountered resistance or other obstacles.

I wasn't surprised when we suddenly encountered significant opposition. I quickly maneuvered to the side just before the intense firefight broke out. The chaos from outside the ship had now spread aboard The Emperor's Pride. My squad retaliated with a barrage of boltgun fire, which was now being directed towards us for the first time. Amidst the turmoil surrounding me, I could also hear, through the vox radio, the impact of the situation on everyone at the various entrances we had made.

After what felt like an eternity, but was probably not a short amount of time, I noticed the firefight gradually subsiding, replaced by an uproar resembling a possessed chant of "For the Emperor." The realization that the Emperor's Children legion, were still using their battle cry, "for the emperor," ignited a surge of emotions within me...

As the all-too-familiar fury ignited within me, an inferno of determination and focus consumed my being. With my twin chainswords firmly in my hands, I burst forth from my secluded corner, bellowing at the apex of my lungs, "In His Name, and for the Twin Angels!" Without a moment's pause, I charged towards the repugnant traitors, my resolve to obliterate the treacherous Astartes of the 3rd Legion intensifying with each stride. Echoing my battle cry, my squad surged forward, brandishing an array of lethal melee weapons in unison. Mirroring our unwavering resolve, the enemy advanced towards us, devoid of doubt or fear. The clash of metal upon metal thundered, an orchestra of violence and demise enveloping the surroundings. It took mere moments for me to bring down my first foe, my chainsword slicing through his power armor, flesh, and bone with the ease of a scorching blade through butter.

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