Chapter 16.

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Back with the remembrance.
"I never could have anticipated what unfolded," the remembrance uttered, her expression filled with apprehension as her gaze met mine. I returned her look and advised, "I specifically instructed you to withhold your judgment." She continued to regard me with worry etched in her eyes, until eventually she mustered the courage to inquire, "Were you familiar with those whose lives you took?" My gaze shifted to the window, her question piercing my heart. After a brief pause, I confessed, "Yes, I did. They were honorable men, exceptional soldiers." My eyes remained fixed on the outside world, attempting for what felt like the thousandth time to recall that dreadful day, but it remained engulfed in darkness, as always. Silence enveloped us for a significant stretch, as I observed the bustling crowd on the street outside. Finally, she broke the stillness, her voice tender, "Would you care to continue the narrative?" I focused on her once more and began to share my tale.

Chapter 16.
As I surveyed the training chamber I found myself in, it became evident that this room surpassed the one I had grown accustomed to aboard the Angelic Grace. Upon entering, a training sword was swiftly placed in my grasp. The weight of the steel within my hand ignited a cascade of memories, particularly evoking recollections of the arduous trials I had conquered to earn my rightful place within the 2nd Legion.

"Let's ensure this endeavor doesn't turn into a complete squandering of my precious time," Gabriel exclaimed with a hint of severity, scooping up a training sword. Skillfully, he maneuvered the weapon between his hands, revealing his familiarity with its weight and balance. As his gaze met mine, I struggled to decipher the emotions hidden within; however, there was an undeniable trace of disdain evident in his piercing stare.

"What is the task you wish for me to undertake?" I inquired, my voice steady as I observed the sword dancing between Gabriel's nimble hands. My eyes were fixated on the elegant movements of the blade, tracing its path with unwavering focus. Suddenly, with no warning or indication, Gabriel propelled himself towards me, unleashing an intense strike with all his strength. I instinctively raised my own sword, narrowly intercepting the blow by a mere fraction. The clash of our blades resonated briefly in the air, a testament to our synchronized movements. Reacting swiftly, I swiftly countered, my blade slicing through the space between us. Gabriel's laughter reverberated, a mix of exhilaration and challenge, as he initiated another series of attacks. His strikes came in a flurry, alternating between low and high, leaving no room for complacency. I deftly parried each assault, my reflexes tested to their limits. The dance of our blades continued, a battle of skill and determination, as I sought to hold my ground against Gabriel's relentless assault.

"Is this the best you've got, oh sinful one?" Gabriel taunted, his laughter echoing through the air as his blade relentlessly met mine. With every strike, I desperately countered, struggling to maintain my balance and avoid tumbling over. The force behind his attacks was daunting, each blow striking with lightning speed. My heart raced as I teetered on the edge of stumbling, but I fought fiercely to stay upright, determined not to yield. In a surge of determination, I regained my footing and began to retaliate, driving him back. Frustration welled within me as a well-aimed strike narrowly missed its target, leaving me cursing under my breath, realizing the opportunity that had slipped away."

As my jab missed Gabriel, his sneer pierced through me. I swiftly pivoted, desperately searching for his whereabouts, only to be greeted by a sudden blow to my face. The force of his fist sent me reeling, causing me to instinctively turn away, exposing my vulnerable back. Seizing the opportunity, Gabriel ruthlessly slammed the training sword against my spine, sending a jolt of pain surging through me. Colliding with the unforgiving floor, I thudded heavily, but my spirit refused to accept defeat. With unwavering determination, I spun back up onto my feet, brandishing my sword with readiness. A primal scream erupted from within me as I launched myself forward, driven by an unyielding desire to strike back at Gabriel.

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