Chapter 8.

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Back with the remembrance.
The suppressed eagerness of the remembrance prompted me to confirm the truth behind the rumors circulating within both the 9th and 2nd legions. With a cold smile, I hinted that some matters should remain undisturbed. Her snobbish demeanor compelled her to inquire about the true nature of Kharash. Taking a moment to gather my thoughts, I chuckled and diverted my gaze out the window. "It is simply a gift given to us," I responded, signaling an end to the discussion. Understanding my unspoken message, she gracefully shifted the topic of conversation.

Curiosity brimming within her, she eagerly questioned my thoughts on Josef Soul's story. Meeting her gaze with indifference, I replied, "Now I possess the complete knowledge of his tale, including the price he mentioned and the unfortunate soul who paid it." Intrigued, she leaned in, her interest piqued, and requested further elaboration. With a secretive smile, I answered, "You never know where my narrative will take us or what it may reveal. Shall I continue?" Excitedly, she nodded and urged me to pick up where I had left off.

"Now, we must skip ahead in history, for there was a lull in significant events for quite some time," I began, setting the stage for the next pivotal moment that unfolded approximately one year after my initial conversation with Partaqlus regarding the truth. It was the fierce battle of Aetherium IX and the first time we saw the horrible usage of the gene-seed fusion which led to the creation of The Iron Plague Legion."

Her gaze held a sense of curiosity as she pondered the unfamiliar name that had just reached her ears. I couldn't help but wear a somber smile, knowing that there was a valid reason behind her lack of recognition. The abhorrent amalgamation of gene-seeds from the Iron Warriors and The Death Guard was a repulsive ploy by those who had betrayed the Emperor and his Imperium. They sought to create a Legion so enigmatic and alien to us loyalists, believing it would grant them an undeniable edge in combat. Her brow furrowed even deeper, her eyes reflecting heightened curiosity as I prepared to continue my tale.

Chapter 8.
I took a deep inhalation, drawing in the dusty air to calm my jumpy nerves before the impending campaign. With a deliberate exhale, I shut my eyes and meticulously reviewed my mission: to provide unwavering support and act as reinforcements for the valiant 6th Legiones Astartes Space Wolves in their fierce clash against the enigmatic legion that bore the resembling insignia of The Death Guard and the Iron Warriors. Doubt crept in, suggesting that this mysterious faction of Astartes was merely a ruse employed by Horus and his treacherous followers to deceive us loyalists. But deep down, I knew it was implausible; how could they possibly possess the knowledge and means to create new or manipulate the gene-seed of Astartes? The unsettling notion lingered, yet reason assured me that it was nothing more than an unfounded fear, it had to be a trick to unsettle us before the battle.

The Thunderhawk I was aboard gently touched down, its landing echoing with a muffled thud, signaling our arrival at the designated destination. Eagerly, I rose from my seat, preparing myself to disembark and rendezvous with a esteemed captain of the Space Wolves. My mission was to provide unwavering support and assistance, a duty I gladly embraced.

As the ship's door slowly slid open, revealing the vast expanse beyond, the landing gear gracefully descended, making a firm connection with the ground. Standing before me were three formidable Astartes adorned in the resplendent colors and emblems of the 6th Legiones Astartes. A sense of awe washed over me as I observed their presence, a sight that stirred both admiration and reverence.

With determined steps, I traversed the bridge, my anticipation mounting with each passing moment. Finally reaching the waiting Astartes, I extended my hand, symbolizing a gesture of respect and camaraderie. His forearm met my grasp, firm and resolute, a sign of the unwavering bond we shared as warriors of the Imperium.

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