Chapter 14.

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Back with the remembrance.
"So the castle was empty after all? Had it been abandoned?" The remembrance questioned, her surprise evident. With a joyless laugh, I replied, "If that were the case, my dear, it was be teeming with life, or perhaps not life itself, but certainly with a flurry of moving bodys." I gazed at her for a brief moment before reminding her of the peculiar creature I had mentioned earlier, the one adorned with both horns and tentacles protruding from its body. Recognition flickered in her eyes as she nodded and inquired, "The one you referred to as Poxwalker?" Returning her nod, I couldn't help but notice the mixture of curiosity and fear in her expression as she exclaimed, "Wait a moment, was it a trap?" A cold smile crept across my face as I met her gaze and responded, "Indeed, my dear. That's precisely what it was. Just as I opened the gates to the castle, they swarmed out." Horror swept over her features, and she implored me to continue unraveling the tale.

Chapter 14.
Suddenly, a force barreled into me, causing my body to jolt from the impact. I peered downward, trying to discern the source of the collision. Before I could process what was happening, I was forcefully shoved again and again. A haunting melody emerged, reminiscent of the depths of despair, agony, illness, and demise.

Without warning, I was propelled backward, thrown back into the castle yard. It felt as though a dam had burst, releasing an unstoppable torrent. Figures surged out from the castle, though calling them "people" would be inaccurate. These beings resembled the ones I had witnessed on the operating table, the ones Ragnar had unveiled to me. However, these Creatures possessed an eerie animation.

As I stood there, bewildered and transfixed by the macabre scene unfolding before me, the Creatures poured out with an eerie fluidity. Their movements were disjointed, yet strangely synchronized, as if they were marionettes guided by a sinister puppeteer.

Their twisted forms were a grotesque fusion of human and beast, their once-human features distorted and contorted into nightmarish visages. Some had elongated limbs that seemed to defy the laws of anatomy, while others had gnarled claws instead of hands. Their eyes, devoid of any trace of humanity, glowed with an unholy intensity, reflecting the depths of their malevolent existence.

The air grew thick with a putrid stench, a sickly combination of decay and despair. A cacophony of anguished cries and rasping breaths emanated from their contorted mouths, forming a chorus of suffering that chilled me to the core. It was as if the very essence of pain and torment had taken on a tangible form, unleashed upon the world.

Driven by an insatiable hunger, the Creatures moved with a relentless purpose. Their twisted bodies contorted and writhed, as if they were desperately searching for something, or someone. Each step they took sent shivers down my spine, as though their presence alone carried an invisible weight of malevolence.

Fear gripped me, threatening to paralyze my senses, but I knew I had to escape. I turned on my heels, my heart pounding in my chest, and ran. The castle yard became a maze of chaos and terror as the horde of abominations pursued, their guttural growls and unearthly shrieks echoing in my ears.

As I sprinted through the labyrinthine corridors, desperately seeking safety, I couldn't shake the haunting realization that these Creatures were not mere products of science gone awry. They were something more sinister, something born from the darkest recesses of the human psyche, unleashed upon the world to sow chaos and despair.

With every step I took, the presence of impending doom only grew stronger. The question lingered in my mind: how could I possibly survive in a world overrun by these abominations, these creatures that defied all logic and reason?

It took another second to get my body and thoughts in order. I yelled over the vox radio for everyone to open fire. The sound of boltfire, though it was fired at such close range, did not drown out the sound of the creatures' song of death and terror. I punched the nearest creature in the face with all the strength I had. The creature almost did a backflip, but new creatures just kept pouring out of the castle. I took a shot backwards so I could get some distance from the damned things. I threw down my boltgun and drew my two chainswords, shouting at the top of my lungs, "For the Emperor!" Then, I rushed the disgusting creatures to meet them head on.

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