Chapter 18.

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Back with the remembrance.
"Wait a moment, I seem to have lost track of the something." Interrupted the remembrance. Casting aside the lingering memories, I turned to her with a mischievous grin and inquired about what she was uncertain of. "The last part we were discussing. What exactly was the test about?" Her bewildered expression resembled a giant question mark, signifying her lack of comprehension. "You see, the whole altercation between Chief Liberian Androsia and me never actually occurred. It was merely a clever ploy created by his cunning mind," I clarified, and then proceeded to elaborate, "Remember how I mentioned earlier that Androsia fixed his gaze upon mine with an intense stare at the start of our conversation?"

"Androsia exerted his powers over me, crafting and enacting a vivid scenario within our minds. Consequently, the clash between him and me never materialized in reality, but rather unfolded as a captivating mental spectacle orchestrated by him". I delved deeper into the explanation, attempting to clarify my point. She appeared to grasp the concept to some extent, yet a hint of confusion lingered in her gaze. Amused, I reassured her that a clearer understanding would likely emerge as I proceeded to narrate the rest of my tale. An enthusiastic nod from her indicated her eagerness to hear more.

Chapter 18.
Utter confusion washed over me as I gazed at both Androsia and Josef. The events that had just unfolded left me completely bewildered. Every ounce of anger and conflict that had consumed me vanished, along with the throbbing pain from colliding with the bookshelf. I turned to Androsia, my face a mask of perplexity, and inquired, "Wait, so our battle never actually took place?"

A chuckle escaped his lips as he proceeded to enlighten me about a perplexing technique I use to call mindplay. It involved intricately weaving scenes and scenarios within one's own mind, orchestrated by two or more individuals. I could feel irritation bubbling inside me, ready to confront Androsia about his mischievous theatrics. However, before I could voice my thoughts, Josef interjected, diverting our conversation. "Eric, calm down," he reassured me, "all of this was orchestrated under Partaqlus' direct orders. Androsia would never employ his psychic abilities without his explicit command."

I turned my attention to Josef, a glimmer of understanding dawning upon me. With his confirmation that Partaqlus had sanctioned this perplexing situation, all doubt evaporated from my being. I nodded in agreement, fully trusting that everything had unfolded as a result of Partaqlus instructions.

Gazing once more at Androsia, I couldn't help but inquire about the purpose behind his enchantment. With a pensive expression, he took a moment to gather his thoughts before he began to unravel the truth. "Partaqlus aimed to push you to your limits, to see if you would succumb to the alluring powers that Khorne dangled before you," he disclosed. As I recollected our intricate dance, a memory emerged of my anger escalating beyond its usual bounds. "Indeed," I admitted, contemplating his words, for the rapid loss of control had been noticeably unprecedented. "But I believed it was because I perceived your betrayal against the Emperor and Partaqlus." Androsia held his gaze upon me momentarily before responding, "Undeniably, disloyalty is a sensitive matter, particularly after Horus' treachery. Nevertheless, during the test, I amplified your emotions to their maximum, creating an intense scenario that would test your resolve."

"And you managed it so much faster than I thought. I suppose you might have understood, but Josef is here for one reason really, and that is to take your life if you had fall," Androsia said harshly but still with a certain warmth in his voice. I glanced at Josef, who remained silent. Then, a thought struck me, and I exclaimed, "But wait, the voice I heard, the one that offered me more power, wasn't that Khorne?" Androsia's gaze hardened, and the warmth in his voice completely disappeared as he replied, "Well, it was, or atleast one of his servants. I eased the barrier between real-space and the sea of souls during the test, and the rounius powers didn't hesitate to seize the opportunity. The fight between you and them, it was only your battle, and I wasent a part of it, but I won't lie. I was surprised and happy when you broke all influence from the blood god."

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