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Law's POV


"Okay," the boy with the straw hat begun. "I'll do it."

I was slightly taken aback by how quickly he agreed, but I was happy nonetheless. I didn't realize I was smiling, but apparently I was because Luffy said

"I miss seeing you smile like that," with a small smile of his own. I rolled my eyes at him and he came to sit on my bed.

 "We need rules." 


"Come on, Traffy," Luffy said disappointingly "haven't you ever watched TV? everybody knows when you make a deal like this you need rules." I nodded. Luffy paused for a second before saying "No sex." 

"What?" I chocked on my spit.

"I'm not having sex with you, and you can't have sex with 'Minutue' or whatever her name is as long as we're doing this." I groaned. Mainly out of embarrassment, but also out of annoyance. The rule was understandable, but I had completely forgotten I had told him about Monet.

"No kissing, unless the situation calls for it. But hand holding and hugs are okay." Luffy nodded like he just found the cure the cancer, and I thought it was kind of cute how satisfied he was.

"Okay," I said "whatever makes you feel comfortable." I felt a twinge of guilt as I realized what we were doing. Luffy hadn't even had his first kiss yet. I'd been with countless girls, and I'd lost my virginity long ago to Kidd. I scoffed as I had this thought. But then I remembered how adorable Luffy had been on one of our nights spent together.




I had had a few drinks, and though I was sober I didn't want to drive back home, so Sabo had driven me and Luffy back to their place. I was sitting in Luffy's gamer chair, and he came to sit on my lap. 

"Traffy?" Luffy asked with a hint of blush on his cheeks. I hummed in response to my name being called, as I often did. "Can I kiss you?" He asked. I blushed a deep red, not expecting this question. Luffy had his hands tangled in my hair, and he was looking at me expectingly.

I didn't know what to say, so I began to close the space between our lips, hoping he'd meet me halfway. Just then, his eldest brother Ace appeared in the doorway, and he glared at me. Luffy and I were both a blushing mess, and he quickly removed his hands from my hair as he grabbed my hand and began to play with my fingers.


End of Flashback


It was the smaller memories like this that I couldn't help but feel sad about. If it weren't for Kidd, I probably would've spent the last two years laughing alongside the Straw Hats instead of putting up with Kidd's shit.

Luffy's phone started ringing, and I jumped at the ringtone.

"Hello?" Luffy answered, I could hear his brother yelling through the speaker.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU, LU???" I heard his eldest brother, Ace yell at the phone microphone.

"I told you I was going to Traffy's house" he whined into the phone.

"Traffy? You mean Trafalgar Law? He just broke up with that red-head, didn't he?" I heard his other brother, Sabo say.

"That's the one!" Luffy smiled at me as he said this, and I felt a blush rise in my cheeks.

The conversation continued like this for many minutes, until Luffy hung up with a "bye Ace, bye Sabo, I'll be home soon, love you!" Luffy sighed as he put his phone back in his pocket, and I noticed his lock screen was a picture of both of our friend groups back in high school. Two years ago. 

"It's all good." I replied. I sat on my bed and Luffy quickly made himself at home in my lap. I sighed. I didn't understand how he could just act like we never stopped talking. I began running my hand through his hair, as I'd done many times before.

"Why'd you stop talking to me?" Luffy asked, straightforward as always.

I stiffened. I should've known this question was coming. "I just- had a lot going on is all." I responded. Luffy began to say something else, but Bepo walked into the room. 

"Oh, hey Straw Hat." Bepo said as he grabbed something from my room. "Wait, STRAW HAT???"

Luffy laughed, "Hiya bear guy!" 

"Get out, Bepo." I rolled my eyes at him.

"You're right, I'm sorry..."


Luffy fell asleep on my chest, as I scrolled on tiktok for a while. I missed these days so much, they were so peaceful. If only I'd never met Kidd. Maybe things would be different.

I felt Luffy shift, but he didn't say anything. He just lay there a while, and I realize he's looking at me with a smile on his face.

"What?" I ask.

"I miss seeing you smile like this. You and Bepo should come to Zoro's birthday next week, I'm sure he'd enjoy it." I was suprised at this invitation. I was fond of the green-haired boy, but the only Straw Hat I'd even had contact with the last few years was Chopper.

I nodded "Okay." Luffy stood up, and kissed my forehead lightly before leaving me alone in my room with my thoughts.


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